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Sugar syrup

Sugar syrup represents strong solution from one or several types of sugar which is diluted with water or fruit juice. Such syrup contains from 40 to 85% of sugar.Сахарный сироп с фруктовыми соками

Origin and features of preparation

Sugar syrup for the first time began to be used in East countries. It was actively applied in the confectionery purposes, used for processing of products, and also in it cooked fruit juice, puree, compotes and different types of jam.

In the Arab countries sugar syrup without additives became the main ingredient of a set of types of sweets, including an iris, candied roasted nuts, caramel, lollipops and fondants. Later began to add additional ingredients to syrup – nuts, oil and milk.

In European cuisine sugar syrup began to be used at preparation of glaze, biscuits and for conservation of jams.

Concentration of sugar syrup

Its confectionery use depends on concentration of sugar syrup. At preparation of syrup various receptions are used, and concentration is measured by the sugar thermometer which allows to define a condition of sugar at various stages of cooking. There are more than 12 stages of sugar syrup.

In house conditions, without existence of the special thermometer, it is possible to define concentration of sugar syrup by a dessertspoon independently. When cooking it is necessary to take a spoon several drops of syrup and to define its concentration.

It is possible to allocate several types of concentration of sugar syrup:

  • thread thin and thick at which sugar lasts a string of various thickness;
  • soft and firm ball (at addition in syrup from sugar the ball of various density rolls down);
  • caramel (the lump of sugar breaks in cold water and does not stick to teeth);
  • burned sugar does not contain water, has dark brown color and is used in the mixed look in the confectionery purposes or in medicine in drugs for treatment of cough.

Use and useful properties of sugar syrup

Sugar syrup is the main ingredient of various confectionery, and also it is added to various drinks, such as tea, cocktail, coffee and cocoa. This syrup can serve as preservative for jam, jelly, confitures and jams. Syrup has to contain up to 60% of sugar in confectionery production, it can be added to tinned compotes and jam.

Sugar syrup with addition of fruit can be eaten, and also to prepare jelly, mousses, fruit salads and yogurts.

In medicine this syrup is used as sweetener for medicines.Сахарный сироп - консервант для варенья и желе

In many countries of Europe on the basis of syrup make rye bread. At addition of this ingredient bread becomes a tasty and useful product, it gains characteristic color and aroma. Sugar syrup in bread is natural feed for yeast, improves process of fermentation of the test and structure of bread.

Sugar as a part of syrup is an energy source as contains glucose, useful to an organism, and also is a stimulator of production of insulin a pancreas. The serotonin improving health and the general condition of an organism is as a result emitted.


Contraindications to the use of sugar syrup is the individual intolerance and predisposition to allergic reactions, a diabetes mellitus and the increased content of glucose in blood.

Do not recommend to include sugar syrup in structure of the dietary menu as it is a high-calorific product.

This syrup at constant consumption, because of a large amount of sugar, can worsen dental health, damage enamel and cause emergence of caries.

People with an excess weight and disbolism should limit consumption of this syrup.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.