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Saury – fish from Makreleshchukov' family. Under this name two species of fishes who live in Quiet and Atlantic oceans are connected.

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Outward at fishes is slightly various. At the Atlantic saury of a jaw is slightly longer, than at Pacific. But habits and a way of life of two types are almost identical. At a saury the long trunk covered with small, easily deciduous scales, jaws are extended and pointed. Sides with a greenish outflow, a stomach of silvery color, spin dark. In length fish reaches 40 centimeters, and weighs to 200 grams. Average life expectancy of fish makes 6-7 years. It reaches puberty on the third year of life.

Fish does not love cold waters, preferring to live in subtropical and moderate regions of both hemispheres. Lives in the open ocean at a small depth, and eats zooplankton. The Pacific saury is subject to seasonal migrations: in the winter it comes to coast of east and southern Japan where spawns. In the summer it rises to northern areas, up to Sakhalin and Kamchatka.

Spawning happens in the small portions. On an upper surface of a berry have thin long threads by means of which they fasten to floating objects. The saury reacts to electric light, than with success fishers use: by means of light traps fish is brought together in a large number on a surface and caught in the networks lowered from trawlers.

The saury has important trade value. It goes on sale in a fresh-frozen look or in the form of canned food. For preparation from a saury of canned food use the fish who reached three-year age. Canned food enjoys wide popularity as an independent dish, and also in various snack, salads and fish soups. Preparation of a saury fresh-frozen does not present special difficulty. It is exposed to all types of culinary processing, it is baked, extinguished, fried.

Recently unfair producers flooded the market with canned food from less qualitative and cheaper raw materials which is on sale under the guise of a saury. Therefore the buyer should show care upon purchase.

Structure and caloric content of a saury

Preferential fillet of a saury consists of protein, there is also insignificant amount of fats. During different seasons the quantity of components can change, but on average 19 g of protein and 12 g of fats are the share of 100 g of a product. Carbohydrates in fish completely are absent that is very much appreciated by nutritionists.

Such useful substances as polyunsaturated fatty acids an omega-3 and an omega-6, and also set macro - and microelements, vitamins are a part of a saury. There is at this fish a RR vitamin in number of 16% of necessary standard daily rate for the person.

Fat of a saury contains vitamins of group B, D, A therefore fish is a valuable food stuff. Macro - and microelements are presented by calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, chlorine, iron, nickel, molybdenum, magnesium, fluorine, chrome.

Caloric content of a saury is quite high and makes about 200 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Useful properties of a saury

Fish in general is a useful product for a human body. So, a set of mineral substances which is contained in a saury helps to recover quickly the necessary content of magnesium, iron, calcium that helps to avoid anemia.

Vitamin D and phosphorus promote the best digestion of calcium, help to support with an excellent condition of a bone of a skeleton, and fish is simply necessary for a children's organism as she promotes its normal growth and development of teeth.

The fatty acids containing in fish help to reduce cholesterol level in blood. Regular preparation of a saury and consumption it in food normalizes work of a thyroid gland and reduces sugar level in blood. And vitamins of group B ensure full functioning of a nervous system.

However scientists are sure that the biggest advantage of a saury consists in her fat. High caloric content at a saury because of high content in it of fat which share is the share approximately of 10% of its weight. Fat contains the most valuable natural substances – polyunsaturated fatty acids an omega-3 and an omega-6. They are a source of dokozageksayenovy and eykozapentayenovy acids which the human body independently does not produce. Thanks to these acids in our body the hormones which are responsible for full work of immune, nervous and cardiovascular systems are synthesized, sight improves, the lipometabolism is regulated, there is a decrease in aggregation of thrombocytes, health of a brain is provided, working capacity improves, vitality increases.

The saury also thanks to the content of amino acid – taurine which well influences composition of blood is useful, promotes production of bile, strengthens effect of insulin, normalizes digestion processes. The regular use of this fish is excellent prevention of arthritis, caries and osteoporosis.

And recently Japanese scientists found out that at the frequent use of a saury the risk of a disease of liver cancer considerably decreases.

The saury also is useful to weight loss. Many women dreaming to lose weight replace meat protein on fish, contained in a saury. Also perfectly the saury is suitable for the people adhering to a glycoprival diet.

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As it is correct to choose and store a saury

That the saury did not do harm, it is necessary to know how it is correct to choose and store her. Choosing fish, it is necessary to examine her surface carefully. The fresh saury has a greenish-bluish shade. If fish casts in yellow color, so she was exposed to repeated freezing and defrosting.

If at fish there is a slime it means that fish stale, and on it bacteria were got. By the way, on slime gills also should not be. At fresh fish they bright red color.

Will also not prevent to smell a saury to make sure that except fish she smells of nothing.

Having bought fresh-frozen fish and having defrozen her, it is necessary to clean her. Track that all interiors were removed, and inside carefully wash out an abdomen. This, not superfluous, precaution will help to warn you against skrebnyama infection, living in intestines of fishes.

Only after that it is possible to be accepted safely to preparation of a saury or to put her on long storage in a deep freeze. However you should not store a saury in the freezer as from it it loses useful and tastes too long.

Whether you know that:

According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.