Main > Food stuffs> Lettuce


The lettuce not only is very useful and tasty sheet vegetable, but also serves as fine decoration of a holiday table.

Салат латук

Description of salad of lettuce

Lettuce – a plant from Astrov' family. The homeland of salad is authentically unknown. According to some data it is considered that an ancestor of a plant is wild salad which is eurysynusic in the countries of Asia, Europe, Africa and America now.

Several thousands of years cultivated a plant. It was actively eaten still by residents of Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt. Today the lettuce is one of the most widespread garden vegetable cultures, and grow up it practically in all corners of our earth.

Salad has a set of grades which differ by the sizes, a form and coloring of leaves. The most widespread is the krupnokachanny grade, and the most tasty – the Italian grade of Radichye having a little bitterish taste. Also French grade of Batviya having a little juicy smack is widespread. In America the grade "Ice slope" having the crackling strong leaves enjoys the greatest popularity.

Use in cookery

The lettuce was widely adopted in cookery. It is used in the raw, adding to various vegetable salads, soups, sauces, snack, and also to fish and meat dishes. Well salad and heat treatment is exposed. It can be fried or extinguished, however it is necessary to consider that at the same time the lettuce loses the majority of useful properties.

Often lettuce uses just for decoration of dishes.

Salad needs to be used only fresh therefore it is better to use it right after purchase. If the turned yellow and sluggish leaves, and the line of a cut of a scape got a brownish shade from salad, salad stale means.

Besides, the cut-off lettuce leaves are not recommended to be held long in water, otherwise they lose the useful properties and vitamins. Fill salad just before giving on a table. If it too long lies in gas station, then it will settle and will take an unattractive form.

Structure and caloric content of salad of lettuce

In 100 g of salad of lettuce 95 g of water, 1,6 g of carbohydrates, 1,36 g of proteins, 1,3 g of cellulose, 0,6 g of ashes, 0,15 g of fats contain; vitamins: beta carotene (A), thiamin (B1), Riboflavinum (B2), Niacinum (B3), sincaline (B4), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), ascorbic acid (C), tocopherol (E), phylloquinone (K); macrocells: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium; microelements: selenium, copper, manganese, iron, zinc.

Caloric content of salad of lettuce makes about 15 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Useful properties of salad of lettuce

Salad is a medical and dietary sheet vegetable. It is recommended to apply in dietary and a disk food, to include in a diet to people of old age and those who had a serious illness recently.

Lettuce leaves possess antibechic, expectorant, sedative and diuretic action. Useful properties of salad of lettuce apply at a diabetes mellitus, obesity, sleeplessness, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, a hypertension, diseases of digestive, nervous and urinogenital systems.

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The regular use of salad in food lowers the level of cholesterol in blood and helps to get rid of digestive tract diseases.

Salad juice in traditional medicine is used for removal of nervous irritability and disposal of sleeplessness, at liver diseases. And infusion of the crushed seeds of salad of lettuce helps nursing mothers to strengthen a lactation.


The lettuce is not recommended to be used at chronic and acute coloenterites and colitis, at an urolithiasis and gout.

Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.