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Salad the Brush for weight loss

Salad the Brush for weight loss is known almost to everyone who dreams of decrease in body weight. The name of salad is based on its effect: the abundance of cellulose in vegetables comes to intestines where inflates and like a brush clears of the toxins which collected in it and excesses of cholesterol. Authorship of salad is attributed to both Paul Bregou, and other not less famous dietitians of the beginning of the twentieth century.

Salad the Brush for weight loss: recipe

Салата Щетка для похудения может состоять из свеклы, моркови и капустыRecipes of salad of the Brush for weight loss there is great variety. All of them are combined by the general idea – abundance of vegetables with the high content of indigestible food fibers, the gas station consisting of olive oil and lemon juice, lack of salt.

The classical recipe of salad of the Brush for weight loss looks as follows: on a large grater rub on a half of kilogram of a celery, crude carrots and crude beet and pour dressing. And in the recipe, most widespread among our compatriots, the celery is replaced with a crude white cabbage. Sometimes as gas station use balsam vinegar.

For improvement of taste and aroma of a ready dish it is possible to add any greens to it to taste: fennel, parsley, green onions. And separate gourmets instead of greens put in salad the Brush for weight loss previously soaked and crushed prunes.

One more recipe of salad Brush: to grate beet, carrots and green apples. To add one small cut bulb, the steamed-out and crushed prunes and dried apricots, a handful of grains of garnet and berries of a cranberry. To fill with lemon juice.

The following recipe of salad is associated with exclusively Russian cuisine: add a radish to carrots and beet. All vegetables rub on a large grater, add greens and garlic, fill with fragrant sunflower oil.

In the spring and it is possible to add a fresh garden radish to such salad in the early summer, and in the summer and in the fall salad the Brush for weight loss is cooked with use of sweet pepper. Grate carrots and beet, slice a white cabbage and add small cut onions. At the end add the multi-colored pepper cut in cubes, and fill salad with the fat-free yogurt with garlic and fennel.

It is known also that residents of Italy replace beet with salad радиккьо.

Salad the Brush for weight loss: results

Results from Brush salad for weight loss really impressive. If to divide the received one and a half kilograms of a dish on 8-10 portions and to distribute for one day, having arranged thereby unloading to an organism, then loss of body weight will average not less than one kilogram. At the same time you should not forget that the diet of similar fasting day will be vitamin-rich also microelements.

Салат Щетка для похудения - обилие овощей с высоким содержанием неперевариваемых пищевых волоконThe effect of weight reduction on salad is provided to the Brush because on digestion and assimilation of the nutrients which are contained in vegetables, the organism spends the enormous energy surpassing the caloric content of vegetables that is spends stocks of own power depot – fatty deposits. Arranging fasting day on salad the Brush it is necessary to distribute a polutorakilogrammovy portion on hours in advance, otherwise it can just not turn out to eat it without the rest.

It is worth noticing that power consumption begins already at a preparation stage as it is easy to grate one and a half kilograms of crude vegetables not so. Besides, in large quantities it is spent and at a chewing stage, especially considering the size of the turned-out portions.

Also enthusiastic comments about salad the Brush for weight loss are left by those who use this dish as an alternative to any other food for dinner.

Whether you know that:

The American scientists made experiments on mice and came to a conclusion that water-melon juice prevents development of atherosclerosis of vessels. One group of mice drank usual water, and the second – water-melon juice. As a result vessels of the second group were free from cholesteric plaques.