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The most bystry diet

Обычно эффективной и самой быстрой диетой считают диету выходного дняOften there are situations when it is necessary to get rid of extra kilos in short terms – in one-two days. For achievement of this purpose, or, so-called, "express diets" usually adhere to the most bystry diet.

The most bystry diet for weight loss

Usually distinguish several most effective when for short term it is possible to achieve sharp weight reduction from very bystry diets. And though most of nutritionists advise to grow thin gradually, "express diets" all the same remain rather demanded quickly to normalize weight.

One of the most bystry diets, according to reviews, is the day off diet. Usually similar fasting days are advised to carry out for the weekend that it was possible to spend much time in the fresh air and not to have a stress at work because of possible weakness and irritability.

During this diet it is not necessary to have a bite between food and to drink any drinks in addition to pure still water. To lower feeling of hunger, for an hour till a breakfast it is necessary to drink a glass of warm water. The breakfast of the most bystry diet includes several pieces of black bread. At desire they can be smeared with the fat-free oil. In addition the breakfast includes a glass of tea without sugar (it is possible with honey) and one big grapefruit.

During a lunch it is impossible to drink any drinks. The menu includes boiled chicken (no more than 100 g) without spices, boiled vegetables salad (it is no more than 200 g) and orange.

For an afternoon snack of the most bystry diet it is possible to drink a glass of herbal tea. The dinner consists of fruit lemon juice salad (to 200 g), the steamed fish (to 100 g) and a glass of the fat-free yogurt.

Other most bystry diet for weight loss is the diet calculated on several days which allows to lose weight from two to five kilograms. For achievement of the greatest effect it is recommended to drink previously for the night any purgative to clear intestines of slags.

In the first day of a diet it is possible to drink liter of the fat-free kefir and to drink clear or mineral still water in unlimited number. During the second day of this super bystry diet it is possible to eat a glass of boiled rice without oil, spices and salt. Rice can be divided into several receptions. Also it is necessary to remember that morning the day before yesterday should not be begun with sweets and greasy food, and for fixing of the received result in the next days it is the best of all to keep whenever possible to a low-calorie diet.

Principles of drawing up an individual super bystry diet

Nutritionists note that the effect of very bystry diets is individual, and it is rather difficult to predict how many the kilogram will manage to be dumped, observing them.

The individual diets based on several principles of effective weight loss become the most bystry diets, according to reviews, most often. Before being engaged in the figure, it is necessary to consider that the effective diet has to meet several requirements. Diet:

  • Has to bring pleasure not to cause desire to return to a former way of life which led to excess weight;
  • Has to be balanced and include all necessary nutrients as deficit necessary macro - or microelements and irreplaceable amino acids can slow down weight reduction process;
  • Should not cause feelings of hunger and problems with health;
  • Should not contain unloved products;
  • It has to be combined with various methods of acceleration of a metabolism (physical exercises, walks in the fresh air, a sauna or a bath) that will promote more effective combustion of fat.

Any individually made most bystry diet should not include high-calorific products and drinks, namely:

  • Flour products and sweets;
  • Alcohol;
  • Desserts;
  • Juice;
  • Fats and oils.

При самой быстрой диете нужно пить много питьевой водыAlso in order that the diet led not only to weight reduction, but also did not do much harm to health, it is necessary to replace:

  • Fried dishes steamed or baked;
  • Fermented milk products fat-free;
  • Flour desserts fruit;
  • Caloric drinks mineral water or tea (green, grassy) without sugar;
  • Meat dishes fish, seafood, mushrooms or haricot.

The most bystry diet shall include 2-3 liters of water a day. At the same time if to drink a glass of water to food (in 15-20 minutes), it will help to lower feeling of hunger. Also the effect of a diet will be much better if food to chew slowly and carefully.

In addition to correctly gathered additionally menu at a diet it is necessary to use any ways of acceleration of a metabolism, including walks in the fresh air and active physical exercises.

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