Main > Food stuffs> Herring


The herring is valuable industrial fish from family seldevy. She lives generally in a northern part of the Atlantic and Quiet oceans. The area of distribution of different types of fish includes the southern and western parts of the White Sea, Finmarken and the Murmansk coast, the southern part of the Bay of Biscay, the Baltic Sea, the Atlantic coasts of North America and Europe, and also water space around Greenland.


The body of a herring is compressed and covered by large or average scales on each side. The edge of a belly has jags, the tail fin is slightly doubled. Length of a herring fluctuates from 36 to 42 cm, especially large big fishes to 75 cm occasionally meet. There are several tens of species of a herring.

As fish quickly spoils, it in the shortest terms after a catch needs to be frozen or salted. Depending on fishing traditions and regions of trade ways of catching and storage of this fish happen different. In Holland, for example, the caught catch is salted directly on vessels. At first by means of a knife at live fish delete gills, and after that shift in barrels with salt with which fishermen also are returned from a catch. Scots have a bit different scheme. They at once in day of a catch deliver the hooked fish to the coast, and from there she already gets to soliln. As gills cut off already at dead fish, vessels bleed much less. As a result meat at such salty herring differs in softness and light color. British have interesting traditions too. They fry a herring in braziers directly on pier. Fat fish is placed in the newspaper and put in a brazier. At the herring prepared in such a way extraordinary taste. They say that such tasty fish can be tried only in the English port.

Especially gourmets appreciate the Astrakhan salty herring its excellent taste and fleshiness. Still this large fish is called by "hall". The most part of the caught herring is used in food, but some of its types send for melting of fat and production of fertilizers, and also use as a bait for other fish.

Herring gains the flavoring properties at salination. Store it only in the cold and dark place as under the influence of moisture and light fish oil has property to be oxidized, and fish gains bitterish smack. In cookery herring is applied preferential already in finished form, that is a smoked or salty herring. Before giving on a table it is filled with vinegar, vegetable oil, add napiform or green onions. This fish in a post is especially popular, and as a garnish usually serve vegetable stew, beans, potatoes. Also it is a component of some salads (for example, "Fur coat").

Structure, caloric content of a herring

In 100 g of a herring 17,96 g of proteins, 1,46 g of ashes, 9,04 g of fats and 72,05 g of water contain. The herring is rich with the following vitamins: And, groups B, C, E, D, K, PP; macrocells: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium; microelements: manganese, iron, zinc, selenium, copper.

Caloric content of a herring makes 112 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Advantage of a herring

At the expense of the rich content of vitamins and minerals, fats and proteins the herring is a valuable food stuff. It contains many proteins as a part of which there are irreplaceable amino acids which the organism is not able to produce independently. Besides, the herring contains practically all range of vitamins, and at caviar there is a lecithin and other organic compounds necessary for normal activity of an organism. Thus, the advantage of a herring promotes bystry regeneration of skin cells, regulates blood pressure, increase hemoglobin level in blood.

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Fat of fish contains "good" cholesterol, so necessary at cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis. It is considered that the use of a herring favorably affects work of some of function of a brain, sight and weakens some symptoms of psoriasis.

However, in addition to advantage of a herring, there are at it and contraindications. So, for example, the people having gastritis, a stomach hyperoxemia, a hypertension, a coloenteritis, an ulcer should not be overzealous in its use. At these diseases the herring is shown in limited quantity, and it is better to soak previously it in milk, strong tea or to boil to reduce content of salt in it.

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