Main > Diseases> Serozotsele


Serozotsele is accumulation of serous liquid in cavities. Serozotsele Серозоцеле – это скопление серозной жидкости в полостяхin the broadest sense can be in any department of abdominal or other cavity. Now to a serozotsela understand liquid high-quality education in a small pelvis as the term more often. Emergence of such peritoneal cystous new growth can be connected with the postponed operational treatment, an acute inflammation of appendages of a uterus, pelvilperitonity, endometriosis. Serozotsele has the rounded or oval shape. Its diameter usually makes from 1 to 25 cm. The consistence, turgor of a new growth can be defined during diagnostic and medical interventions. More often consistence tugoelastichny. Serozotsele can be multichamber or single-chamber, that is have one or several cavities. Walls of education are presented by commissures. The cavity to a serozotsela is filled with yellowish opalescent liquid. The volume of liquid can reach 500-100 ml.

Symptoms to a serozotsela

Serozotsele is among difficult diagnosed new growths of a small pelvis. Symptoms to a serozotsela of a malospetsifichna. According to complaints to distinguish to a serozotsela, the tumor of ovaries and a cyst of ovaries is almost impossible. This education can exist almost asymptomatically, and can lead to development of a syndrome of chronic pelvic pain. Pains in a back, a waist, in the bottom of a stomach which disturb daily can disturb the patient, amplify after overcooling, physical activity, stresses. The dysmenorrhea phenomena – the painful periods which are followed by decrease in working capacity are often observed. Also there can be pains during sexual intercourse at deep introduction of a male penis to a vagina. Intensity of pain can be such strong that many patients are forced to refuse intimate relations. In general, constant pain leads to a nervous breakdown, decrease in immunity, working capacity. To specify the diagnosis, tool methods of inspection are appointed. Ultrasound examination of a small pelvis at the serozotsel rather informatively. Lack of the accurate capsule, uneven contours of cystous structure at visualization by means of ultrasound is characteristic. At repeated ultrasonography there can be a considerable change of a form of education that too is a symptom to a serozotsela. If the diagnosis causes difficulty, sometimes it is necessary to carry out diagnostic intervention – a laparoscopy, that is survey of a cavity of a small pelvis by means of the special laparoscopic equipment entered through punctures. Technical difficulties can be connected with existence of commissural process in an abdominal cavity.

Treatment to a serozotsela

If symptoms to a serozotsela are absent, the patient is not disturbed by pains in a small pelvis, then treatment is not required. In this case regular observation at the gynecologist is necessary. Usually once in half a year ultrasonic examination of bodies of a small pelvis repeats. If there is an expressed increase in volume to a serozotsela or a syndrome of chronic pelvic pain, then, most likely, surgical intervention will be required. The minimum operative measure is the puncture biopsy to a serozotsela. Under control of ultrasound the doctor enters a needle into a cavity of education and deletes the liquid which is contained there. Thereby instantly the prelum of surrounding fabrics decreases, so, the pain syndrome disappears. Punctures should be repeated at repeated accumulation of liquid. Contents to a serozotsela are investigated in laboratory. Define by an enzyme immunoassay and bacteriological crops as a bacterial flora with definition of sensitivityДиагностика серозоцеле to antibiotics, and virus, a fungal infection, a persistent urogenital infection and antibodies to a tuberculosis mycobacterium. At identification of the activator specific treatment is appointed. The serozotsel antiinflammatory therapy is shown to other women after a puncture. More extensive surgical interventions according to indications which are creating a constant drainage of area to a serozotsela or removing commissures of a small pelvis are possible. Conservative treatment to a serozotsela can be appointed by the gynecologist as an alternative to an operational method. Therapy is based on use of antiinflammatory, anticommissural drugs and physiotreatment. For antiinflammatory effect non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of injections, candles or tablets are appointed. For conservative therapy of commissural process in a small basin use fermental means – hyaluronidase and others. Usually choose electrostimulation, magnetotherapy from physical therapy and фонофорез.

Treatment to a serozotsela folk remedies

Sometimes patients resort to methods of nonconventional medicine. Treatment to a serozotsela folk remedies usually ineffectively. It is possible to combine appointments of the attending physician and alternative methods of treatment. Treatment by bergenia root broth within four weeks is so widely applied. Broth prepares from 50-100 g of vegetable raw materials, infuses, and then is used for syringing and inside. Use of tincture of a mariiny root to food inside three times a day within a month is possible. One more medicinal plant for treatment to a serozotsela – a grass of a morind limononosny. It can be used both in the form of tinctures, and in the form of powder inside. Treatment to a serozotsela folk remedies includes also a girudoterapiya, that is use of medical bloodsuckers. Procedures of a girudoterapiya are appointed repeated courses several times a year.

Serozotsele and pregnancy

The combination to a serozotsela and pregnancy will demand especially attentive relation of the obstetrician-gynecologist. Serozotsele of the big sizes can lead to a prelum of bodies of a small pelvis, break blood supply of ovaries, a uterus, pipes. This education can sometimes become the infertility reason. Surgical treatment is in that case carried out. If pregnancy already occurred, then to a serozotsela of the large sizes can cause the expressed pain syndrome and, sometimes, a prelum of a pregnant uterus, to lead to complications during pregnancy. In this case carrying out a puncture biopsy of education for the purpose of reduction of its volume is possible. For the first time revealed during pregnancy to a serozotsela can be propunktirovano also with the diagnostic purpose (including for an exception of infectious process in a small basin). Small to a serozotsela are not a contraindication to pregnancy and holding a procedure of extracorporal fertilization and implantation of embryos.

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Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.