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Dandy Walker's syndrome

Синдром Денди Уокера - прогноз для жизниCongenital anomalies of development in children – rather widespread phenomenon around the world. Similar pathologies can have different degree of manifestation and exert this or that impact on the growing organism. Among a large amount of possible anomalies the heaviest on the effects the Dandy Walker's syndrome is considered. This inborn underdevelopment of a brain at which liquor outflow – the liquid providing food of brain fabric is broken. Besides, the cerebellum underdevelopment takes place. The pathological signs testimonial of existence at a fruit of heavy defect, are observed directly during pregnancy.

Anomaly of the Dandy Walker, symptoms

The inborn disease can be revealed at the child even in the course of his incubation. After the 20th week of pregnancy during ultrasonic examination of a fruit typical symptoms of this pathology clearly are visible. Confirmation of such diagnosis as the Dandy Walker's syndrome, first of all, signs of damage of a brain serve. This formation of a cyst around a cranial pole, a cerebellum underdevelopment, and also expansion of the fourth ventricle of a brain. In process of fetation the symptomatology accrues. Crevices of a lip and a hard palate, a syndactylia, anomalies of kidneys become visible.

If for any reason ultrasonic examination of a fruit was not made, pathology of the Dandy Walker comes to light, in most cases, practically right after the child's birth. Owing to increase in intracranial pressure the kid behaves very uneasily, it develops hydrocephaly, muscular spasms, involuntary oscillating motions of eyes – a nystagmus are noted. The course of a disease and without symptoms of hydrocephaly is possible.

At advanced age the syndrome of the Dandy Walker begins to be shown by cerebellar symptoms. At the child coordination of movements is broken that creates problems when walking, up to impossibility of independent movement. The main symptom of a disease – the considerable intellectual underdevelopment which is almost not subject to correction. Besides, at pathology of the Dandy Walker existence of the accompanying somatic problems is possible. First of all, it is malformations of heart and kidneys, anomalies in a structure of the person, fingers of hands and legs, and also problems with sight.

Syndrome of the Dandy Walker, reason

The modern medicine cannot tell rather precisely why there are these or those defects of pre-natal development. Of course, there are certain risk factors which can lead to emergence of congenital anomaly in a fruit. When forming a syndrome of the Dandy Walker as the reason quite often serve the viral diseases transferred mother during pregnancy, especially in the first three months. The greatest danger is constituted at the same time by a rubella and a Cytomegaloviral infection. The significant role in emergence at the child of anomaly Dandy Walker is played by existence at future mother of such serious exchange illness as a diabetes mellitus.

Very often pathology of development of the born child is observed at the women suffering from an alcoholism. At such mothers, in the majority of the revealed cases, the children suffering from the Dandy Walker's syndrome are born. It is connected with the fact that overwhelming number of the women abusing alcohol extremely irresponsibly treat incubation of the child. At so rough pathology of development as anomaly of the Dandy Walker, is quite often recommended abortion on medical indications. Lack of timely ultrasonic inspection also leads to the birth of the baby with a heavy inborn malformation.

It should be noted that the reasons which caused a syndrome of the Dandy Walker can have also hereditary character. Nevertheless, sporadic cases are most often celebrated. It causes confusion in future parents who learned about confirmation of such diagnosis and presents them with a serious choice.

Dandy Walker's syndrome, treatment and forecast

Inborn pathology can have different degree of manifestation that demands the corresponding approach to its correction. In the presence of a severe form of defect of the Dandy Walker the been born child, as a rule, perishes in the first months of life. If the available anomaly is compatible to life, then further mental development of such kid is very problematic. It will have extremely low I.Q. unavailable to correctional training. Thus, at the Dandy Walker's syndrome the forecast of development of the child is very adverse.

Синдром Денди Уокера - причины и лечениеTreatment of similar anomaly practically does not make sense. However at the accruing hydrocephaly surgical intervention is required. For cerebral decompression shunting of the fourth cerebral cavity is carried out that promotes liquor outflow. At the Dandy Walker's syndrome treatment is possible only symptomatic as the intellectual underdevelopment of the patient of correction is not subject. Also motive function of its organism is considerably broken. In hard cases the child independently does not go and does not sit.

Besides, it is necessary to remember also the diseases accompanying the Dandy Walker's syndrome. Many of them demand medical intervention. It both heart diseases, and anomalies of development of kidneys, and maxillofacial pathology. These diseases considerably complicate already heavy main diagnosis.

Identification at a fruit of anomaly of the Dandy Walker presents potential parents with a choice – to interrupt pregnancy or to bring into world the child with incurable pathology. It is in this situation difficult to advise something. However, making the decision on pregnancy extension, it is necessary to remember that all life the help of parents will be required for the sick kid. And as at the Dandy Walker's syndrome the forecast of development of the child is very problematic, it is necessary to approach with all gravity acceptance of so crucial decision.

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