Main > Diseases> Sinusitis



Sinusitis call an acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous, covering a surface okolonosovy bosoms. Sometimes it happens so that owing to various reasons, there is a damage of the special fibers (so-called "cilia") located in nasal passes and promoting normal process to removal of slime from bosoms. In turn stagnation of slime creates a favorable environment for reproduction of disease-producing bacteria. The disease of acute sinusitis without timely and competent treatment often passes into a chronic form. Chronic sinusitis periodically recurs and demands rather serious and prolonged treatment.

Sinusitis reasons

Respiratory and viral infections are the most common causes of sinusitis or, simply speaking, catarrhal diseases. Especially frequent reason provoking sinusitis at children is cold and overcooling of an organism. There is it owing to physiological immaturity of respiratory system of the child and insufficiently created immune response at a children's organism.

The reasons of sinusitis can be also connected with allergic reaction of an organism to various external irritants, such, for example, as cigarette smoke or seasonal blossoming of plants. On allergic type the disease of the sinusitis caused by fungal infections mucous adnexal bosoms also proceeds.

In addition to the above-stated reasons, there are special categories of people, whose way of life or an occupation, promote the increased risk of emergence of symptoms of sinusitis. It is, first of all, about heavy smokers, but also, about the people who are fond of diving and other, negatively influencing on mucous a nose, types of occupations.

Types of sinusitis

In addition to the standard division of sinusitis on: acute and chronic, there are several their versions depending on the place of emergence of the inflammatory center. Treat their number:

Симптомы синусита

- frontal sinusitis (inflammation of frontal sinuses);

- antritis (inflammation of a Highmore's adnexal bosom of a nose);

- etmoidit (an inflammation of a mucous membrane of cells of a sievebone);

- pansinusitis (inflammation, all adnexal bosoms of a nose at the same time);

- sphenoiditis (inflammation of a wedge-shaped bosom).

Each of the listed types of sinusitis has the features and individual character of a course of a disease.

Sinusitis symptoms

At the acute beginning of a disease of symptoms of sinusitis are: the complicated nasal breath or a full congestion of a nose, a headache in a frontal and parietal part. Rather common symptom of sinusitis of an acute current is also high temperature of a body, the general deterioration in health, weakness, essential decrease in efficiency of the sick person.

At a disease of chronic sinusitis not so pronounced symptoms, as at acute disease. Especially long, difficult giving in to treatment cold, a memory impairment, sight, constant feeling of a congestion of a nose is noted.

Treatment of sinusitis

Лечение синусита капсулами Геломиртола

At a disease of acute sinusitis treatment consists in use of antibacterial drugs, antiedematouses, immunostimulators, besides, effective use of physiotherapeutic procedures.

If the disease is caused by a fungal infection mucous adnexal bosoms, for treatment of sinusitis the doctor appoints the corresponding antifungal drugs in a combination antibiotics. At treatment of children it is necessary to consult with the doctor before use of medicines.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis has longer character and has to consist in the whole complex of diagnostic and therapeutic actions. Business is in choosing only right tactics of treatment of sinusitis of a chronic form, it is necessary to find out the nature of its emergence, i.e. to establish precisely a contagium.

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