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Soy milk

Soy milk call the product of plant origin made of soybeans. Specialists claim that they for the first time were engaged in production of soy milk in the territory of China in the second century. According to a legend the Chinese philosopher whose mother with an old age lost teeth, thought up an original way of how to it to taste favourite soybeans, without having teeth. It simply gave to firm beans of soy more acceptable form.Сухое соевое молоко

Soy milk in the modern world enjoys wide popularity. The bulk of his fans lives in East Asia where soy milk is used more often than cow. Many admirers of this product are also in South and North America and the southern part of Europe. It is considered that it gained the popularity on vegetarianism wave.

The technology of preparation of milk from soybeans is quite simple: the soaked soy beans special devices turn into puree with use of water in which were wetted. Afterwards the excessive thick is removed, and the remained liquid heats up to temperature about 150 degrees for a short time.

The procedure of preparation of soy milk in house conditions is similar.

Soy milk distinguishes pleasant, slightly sweetish smack and a light aroma. It is used not only in the raw, but also forms a basis for preparation of yogurt, tofu cheese, milkshakes. Milk from soy in Japanese cuisine is widely applied. Cooks add it as broth to some traditional dishes.

Residents of China use soy milk to a vprikusk with various pastries, and Malaysians, adding to it sweet syrup, enjoy milkshakes.

Popularly also milk with additives in the form of cocoa, berries, carrots and a ginseng.

Buying soy milk, it is important to consider that this product can deteriorate as well as cow's milk.

Nutrition value, structure and caloric content of soy milk

The basis of composition of soy milk is made by valuable protein (its contents reaches 35%), which contains all irreplaceable acids, a huge amount of replaceable amino acids, and also a number of vitamins and microelements.

Among the minerals which are contained in soy milk: potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, iron, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. Vitamins which contain in it: A, D, E, B1, K, B5, B2, B9, B6, PP, B4.

Besides, many grades of drink are enriched with B12 vitamin and calcium thanks to what the composition of milk from soy approaches structure of cow.

Also the fact that soy milk is well acquired by an organism is important.

Caloric content of soy milk makes about 140 Kcal in 250 ml. Content of proteins at the same time equals 10 g, fats and carbohydrates – 4 and 14 g according to. It is also necessary to note that there is a skim milk from soy beans. Caloric content of soy milk with the smaller content of fats makes about 100 Kcal in 250 ml.

Advantage of soy milk

Thanks to the enriched composition of soy milk, on the nutritiousness it is close to cow. At the same time in soy milk, unlike cow, there is no cholesterol, and the content of saturated fats is minimized. Such features of structure allow to use milk from soy in food that who has cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and just that who watches over the health.Калорийность соевого молока - 140 Ккал на 250 мл

Also the advantage of soy milk for children with a galactosemia, i.e. intolerance of a galactose is known. Lack of this element as a part of soy milk allows it to be a qualitative alternative to breast milk. It also is useful for those who have an allergy to animal milk and a lactose intolerance.

Harm of soy milk

Despite really rich structure, advantage of soy milk it becomes frequent the reason of discussions.

Due to the high content of the phytic acid which is a part of milk from soybeans, milk prevents to be acquired to a number of nutrients: to calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron.

Harm of soy milk for the men who are daily using it in excessive quantity can be expressed in decrease in concentration of spermatozoa. However, a number of researches refute this statement.

In spite of the fact that the allergy to soy protein meets much less than on milk, such fact it is impossible to exclude, appointing soy milk to the child as replacement chest.

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