Main > Drugs> Solventsy


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 175 rub.

Solventsy – homeopathic remedy for treatment of diseases of a musculoskeletal system.Сольвенций

Pharmacological action of Solvention

Solvention's use gives the chance to recover exchange processes at patients with disturbances of work of a musculoskeletal system, to improve removal of metabolic products, to reduce adjournment of salts.

Reviews of Solvention characterize drug as effective and allowing to reduce expressiveness of pain, to increase physical endurance and mobility of joints.

Effect of drug develops within two, three weeks after the beginning of its reception.

Release form

Solventsy release in drops.

Indications to Solvention's use

Drops are appointed to patients who have degenerative and inflammatory diseases of a musculoskeletal system: polyarthritis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and others.

Drug can be included in complex therapy of arthrosis.

Judging by responses, Solventsy is most effective at the diseases caused by disbolism.

Route of administration

Homeopathic drops accept only inside. Just before reception they are dissolved in drinking water – 0,25 glasses.

Drink the received solution small drinks. For its bigger effect it is necessary to hold in a mouth as long as possible.

Accept drops Solventsy separately of meal – with a half-hour interval.

Appoint to accept drug till 16-20 of drops daily within 4 days, in two steps. In three days of a break treatment is continued. On average the full course of therapy lasts 4 months, but its duration depending on feature of a disease and a condition of the patient can change.Сольвенций выпускают в виде капель для приема внутрь

At a severe form of a disease longer course of Solvention – is recommended 1-2 years.

Side effects

Because of hypersensitivity to drug of a drop can cause allergic reactions. Drops Solventsy in this case cancel.

In an initiation of treatment the aggravation of symptoms can be observed, but it does not demand treatment cancellation. In that case when similar symptoms amplify, it is possible to reduce a dosage of drops and to increase a break between receptions. If after such measures Solventsy does not improve, recommended to cancel a condition of the patient and to continue treatment in 7-20 days.

Contraindications to Solvention's use

Drops Solventsy according to the instruction cannot be accepted at the developed allergy to them, besides, they are not appointed to children.

Pregnant women, the feeding women can accept Solventsy.

The drops given about negative medicinal interaction did not arrive.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Solventsy of a drop of 25 ml

175 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Solventsy of a drop homeopathist. 25 ml, Talion-A (г.Москва)

199 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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