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Articles about health

Use of a bioresonance in medicine
Применение биорезонанса в медицине

Recently one of the fashionable directions in alternative medicine is bioresonant therapy. Supporters of this method I consider...

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Folk remedies from spots
Народные средства от прыщей

Spots, acne rash, acne on a face are extremely unpleasant, but, unfortunately, very widespread disease of skin, connected with восп...

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Cosmetics for men
Косметика для мужчин

The modern man does not think of relevance of use of cosmetics any more - knowing firsthand how attractive and ухож...

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What occurs when you leave off smoking
Что происходит, когда бросаешь курить

Many of those who unsuccessfully tried to leave off smoking, know on the experience that the refusal of smoking causes changes in health.-Ism...

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Hygiene of an oral cavity at children
Гигиена полости рта у детей

At once, as soon as at your kid the first teeth were cut through, they begin to need special leaving. During food and drink on teeth giving to drink...

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How to leave off smoking once and for all
Как бросить курить раз и навсегда

Bernard Shaw told: "To leave off smoking very easily, personally I threw hundred times". As it usually happens, in this joke a big element of truth. Брос...

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House eyelash extension
Домашнее наращивание ресниц

Long, magnificent eyelashes are a dream of the true woman aiming at creation of a stylish, bright and unforgettable image. Modern t...

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Cosmetic procedures for legs
Косметические процедуры для ног

When we speak about what have to be cosmetic procedures for face skin, a body or hair, we mean mainly внешн...

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Healthy back - a healthy sleep
Здоровая спина - здоровый сон

The healthy sleep is not only necessary condition of good rest, but also the integral component of our health. However, problems from backs...

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Healthy nutrition at sports activities
Правильное питание при занятиях спортом

In order that to derive as much as possible benefit from sports activities, they need to be added with healthy nutrition. At the same time it is unimportant what...

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Hardening of children in the summer
Закаливание детей летом

Such unloved many mummies the procedure as a hardening of children and is in the summer in the winter a fine way to strengthen immunity of the child, p...

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How to cope with a stress
Как справиться со стрессом

Before saying about how to cope with a stress, let's understand what is a stress. In physiology there is such concept as гомео...

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How to keep sight at the computer
Как сохранить зрение за компьютером

The computer so strongly entered our life that millions of people do not think of the existence without iron "friend", пр for today...

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Timely diagnosis of cancer
Своевременная диагностика рака

All heard that cancer a fatal disease and that means from it is still not found. On this basis people are afraid забол...

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Pregnant women can treat teeth?
Можно беременным лечить зубы?

Hormonal reorganization of an organism of future mother, deficit of calcium in fabrics exert impact on immune systems of the woman, reducing колич...

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How to choose cream it is correct
Как выбрать крем правильно

Thousands of creams on counters of shops, the persuasive advertizing promising you miracles: youth, beauty and wealth rolled into one rather...

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Supertension at pregnancy
Повышенное давление при беременности

The pregnancy period in life of the woman is time when all systems of an organism begin to work with the raised loading, and cordial I suck...

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Why the inhaler for children is necessary
Зачем нужен ингалятор для детей

You remember what was the very first inhaler for children? When in the childhood the throat hurt, flowed from a nose, and cough tormented, mother boiled the card...

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How to keep teeth strong and healthy
Как сохранить зубы крепкими и здоровыми

Teeth are the unique member of the body presented to us by the nature in order that we could chew food more carefully. On ...

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How to struggle with spots
Как бороться с прыщами

It is possible to struggle with spots long and unsuccessfully if to do it in the mode fight for the sake of fight. Therefore a basis of their successful disappearance showing...

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