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Articles about health

Natural cosmetics Oriflame
Натуральная косметика Орифлейм

Now, speaking about high quality of cosmetics, surely use the word "natural", for example natural Oriflame cosmetics. How much...

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Natoptysha standing
Натоптыши на ногах

Natoptysha standing not only give to legs a rough, not well-groomed look, but also create inconveniences when walking. Skin in these parts very rough...

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What is idiopathic arthritis dangerous by?
Чем опасен идиопатический артрит?

What is juvenile idiopathic arthritis? This inflammation of joints at children of the unknown nature. The disease begins without seen at...

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Teenage spots
Подростковые прыщи

Teenage spots are connected with reorganization of function of gonads and though are not something outstanding, nevertheless to norm not отн...

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How to get rid of warts?
Как избавиться от бородавок?

Wart the painless, but not esthetic new growth appearing on skin as a result of virus infection. Stories деревенс...

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Why nails exfoliate?
Почему слоятся ногти?

Nails exfoliate equally often both at men, and at women, but this problem, for good reason, concerns usually women. The reasons why sloit...

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Pinosol's use at pregnancy
Применение Пиносола при беременности

It is considered that the medical drug is more natural, the less roughly it interferes with the processes proceeding in an organism and that it without...

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Cholesteric plaques – that for an animal?
Холестериновые бляшки – что за зверь?

A few years ago around the world there was a massive campaign directed to fight against cholesterol and cholesteric plaques. That it for...

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Treatment in sanatoria of Yessentuki
Лечение в санаториях Есентуков

Hardly there will be a person who would never hear about the well-known mineral waters of the Caucasus and sanatoria of Yessentuki. Ancient to a lega...

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Than ginger is useful?
Чем полезен имбирь?

In Ayurveda, Old Indian science about health, ginger it is considered the spice useful to everything, without exception. From the point of view of Ayurv...

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Secrets of an aromatherapy and essential oils
Секреты ароматерапии и эфирных масел

The aromatherapy and essential oils came to us from Ayurveda, ancient Indian science which is literally translated as "science about life". For those...

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Black tea - advantage or harm?
Черный чай - польза или вред?

According to a legend, to the Russian tsar there arrived the ambassador of one of east countries once. The tsar accepted it favourably and presented with the rich подарк...

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Than banana face packs are useful?
Чем полезны банановые маски для лица?

Banana a unique fruit even in a kingdom of fruit. It is so balanced on structure that it is useful to use it and inside, and in quality...

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We swing a house press
Качаем пресс дома

For a long time not in fashion to be sickly or on the contrary, the swum-away fat. The healthy, tightened body is not simply beautiful, it more effectively than works...

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Teenage drinking
Подростковый алкоголизм

Teenage drinking, undoubtedly, is a disease. But it not only disease of the teenager. Teenage drinking it...

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How to overcome a depression
Как побороть депрессию

If you are constantly suppressed if nothing pleases you if the world suddenly lost all the paints, having left for you only two – black and is gray...

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Whether everything salads are useful to health?
Все ли салаты полезны для здоровья?

Now, at last, our many contemporaries understood what said still ancient about – the person what he eats. You want to be healthy, you eat...

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Councils for the choice of mattresses
Советы по выбору матрасов

Whether you thought that we carry out in a dream on average a third of life? Think only, the whole third! Isn't that so, it is important, as well as...

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How to avoid emergence of birthmarks
Как избежать появления родинок

To understand how to prevent emergence of birthmarks, let's find out at first why they appear. Is not present unambiguous to an otva yet...

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Exercises at flat-footedness
Упражнения при плоскостопии

That flat-footedness the very unpleasant thing, for anybody not a secret. Legs hurt, quickly are tired, the plod, feet become nekras...

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