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Pike perch

The pike perch treats family of okunevy. There are several kinds of a pike perch. This predatory fish lives in the fresh-water rivers with clear water, deeply. Externally it is difficult to confuse it with other types – it has an extended acute head, on spin near the head a fin with prickly shoots, a green-gray body with dark vertical strips on spin, the iris of the eye of eyes is painted in orange color.

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The pike perch eats small fish. Weight of an adult individual on average 3-5 kg. To Dona and on the Sea of Azov the pike perch has the name "sul", and the Volga pike perch is called "byorshy".

Advantage of a pike perch

Pike perch – a source of vitamins and microelements, and also digestible protein. Meat of a pike perch is rich with RR vitamin which regulates exchange of proteins and carbohydrates in an organism, reduces concentration of "bad" cholesterol in blood, interfering with formation of plaques on walls of vessels and their obstruction. It is known of property of RR vitamin to stimulate work of a brain and a nervous system in general, to improve sight and a condition of cardiovascular, digestive systems, outward of skin, to regulate activity of a thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

The advantage of a pike perch also is that he is a rich source of iodine for an organism that is especially important for growth and intellectual development of the child, formation and formation of function of gonads in teenagers.

Cobalt from meat of this fish participates in regulation of work of a pancreas, adrenal glands, immunity, and also prevents emergence of an early gray hair and improves health of hair. It is known of an important role of cobalt in processes of healing of fabrics and formations of cells of red blood – erythrocytes.

Pike perch – a source of phosphorus and fluorine which participate in creation of bones, teeth and joints. Potassium improves work of a cardiac muscle, participates in removal from an organism of excess of water, interferes with accumulation of excess of sodium and warns hypostases.

The pike perch is rich with chrome which biological value consists in removal from an organism of harmful substances and toxins, and also adjustment of level of sugar in blood. Sulfur which also contains in this fish in enough helps to be acquired to other microelements and vitamins, and also enters into structure of bones, muscles, nerves, skin, hair and nails.

Besides, the pike perch contains vitamins of group B, C, A, E, about 20 amino acids, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, nickel, manganese.

The advantage of a pike perch at diseases of cardiovascular system, a diabetes mellitus, an allergy is indisputable, it promotes the best accretion of bones at changes, reduces risk of caries of teeth. The pike perch reduces probability of development of arrhythmias.

So many useful substances in this fish allow to recommend her to those who care for the outward and want to improve it. Not without reason milts and caviar of a pike perch are applied in a compounding of cosmetic creams. Caviar and milts are rich with nucleic acids which are capable to keep necessary amount of moisture in skin. Low-molecular components of caviar possess the rejuvenating action on skin. It is possible to use caviar of a pike perch with the cosmetology purpose and in house conditions, having prepared from it a mask for skin. For this purpose add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to 1 tablespoon of the pounded caviar (peach or corn at fat and normal skin, olive – if the xeroderma is raised). This mix it is necessary to stir and allow to it to stand several minutes, then to add 1 quail yolk, it is good to shake up structure and to apply on half an hour on skin of problem zones then half an hour later to wash away warm water.

Caloric content of a pike perch

From a pike perch tasty and useful dishes therefore nutritionists recommend to include this fish in a diet on a regular basis turn out. Caloric content of a pike perch fluctuates depending on a type of the prepared dish. So, in the raw 100 g of fillet contain 84 kcal, in boiled – 97 kcal, in stuffed 144 kcal on 100 g of a dish, and the fried pike perch contains 180 kcal. So chtopr excess weight just it is necessary to reconsider approach to a way of preparation and not to refuse this tasty and useful fish.

Preparation of a pike perch

There are many different ways of preparation of a pike perch boiling, frying, roasting, suppression, smoking. From it it is possible to cook tasty fish soup, soup, aspic, to stuff it, to fry on coals, to prepare a shish kebab, to pickle, do a pike perch in batter.

The pike perch usually is on sale fresh, frozen or cooled.

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Contraindications to the use of a pike perch

The pike perch is very useful to health, but nevertheless a number of the dishes prepared from this fish, some categories of people should use with care.

So, the smoked pike perch is exposed to heat treatment insufficiently and as he can be an intermediate link in a development cycle of tape-worms and other parasites, at consumption of fish of people can catch helminthosis. Besides, the smoked pike perch can become improper food at diseases of a digestive tract. Caloric content of a pike perch in a fried look rather high therefore at obesity it is necessary to refrain from it.

Whether you know that:

In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.