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Tofu cheese

Tofu cheese - the product made of soybeans. "Meat without bones" or "soy cottage cheese" is the main Сыр тофу — продукт из соевых бобовsource of protein for residents of China, Japan, and also admirers of Asian cuisine. Thanks to almost total absence of taste tofu cheese is actively used in cookery, being a universal component of many dishes.

Production of tofu cheese

Process of production of tofu in general reminds production of cheese from milk: the fresh soy milk received from soybeans (or soy powder), heats up then it is curtailed and filtered. The coagulants (condensing substances) - lemon juice, vinegar or nigar are added to mix, then the received product is pressed and packed into dense briquettes.

Allocate three main types of tofu cheese which distinction is connected with protein content: the land and cheese is more dense, the it is more in it than proteins. This option of tofu cheese is called "western", on a consistence such product reminds Mozzarella cheese.

Asia prefers to eat softer and watery tofu cheese which received the name "cotton". It is used, as a rule, for preparation of first courses.

And the third type of tofu cheese - "silk". On a consistence reminds a pudding more and is a compound component of puree, steam dishes, soups, sauces and sweets.

Some producers add to seasoning tofu, greens, mushrooms, nuts and other additives - they introduce in syrspetsifichesky taste, however, the product at the same time loses the neutral properties.

Advantage of tofu cheese

That in our country there is practically no culture of consumption of tofu cheese the few people know that soy is a rich source of the protein identical to an animal, being an irreplaceable product in a diet of vegetarians. Soy contains everything desyatnezamenimy amino acids which are necessary for full functioning of an organism, surpassing beef, eggs and fish in protein content.

That fact that if animal protein, being split, increases cholesterol level in blood, then soy, on the contrary, lowers it by 30% is remarkable. Thus, the advantage of tofu cheese is obvious: regular consumption of this product allows to reduce risks of diseases of cardiovascular system.

Tofu cheese is very easily acquired by an organism, so, is ideal for people with weak digestion. Besides, products from soy - fine help for the athletes who are engaged in accumulation of muscle bulk.

Speaking about advantage Сыр тофу в упаковкеof tofu cheese it is necessary to mention important quality of a product: "soy cottage cheese" brings out of an organism dioxine - the poison causing developing of cancer diseases. For this reason tofu cheese is entered into a daily diet of kindergarten menus in Japan.

The product is a source of iron, calcium and dietary cellulose, improves work of kidneys, promotes dissolution of stones in a gall bladder.

Besides, tofu cheese is a supplier of phytoestrogen - the substances similar in action to female sex hormones. In the period of a climax when the organism stops production of estrogen, phytoestrogen allows to recover hormonal balance, to slow down aging processes, to protect the woman from a breast cancer.

Tofu cheese caloric content

Caloric content of tofu cheese makes only 73 kcal / 100 product gram that allows to include a product in the menu of the people adhering to a diet.

Preparation of tofu cheese

Despite almost total absence own вкусасыр tofu with success is used as an additional component to various dishes. It as if the sponge, absorbs taste and aroma of the adjoining products and is perfectly combined with any ingredients. It can be fried, smoked, cooked, baked, and also to eat together with greens and fruit - in any kind tofu cheese will be on the ball!

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