Main > Food stuffs> Russulas


Russulas – lamellar mushrooms from family syroyezhkovy. They grow in all woods, but prefer rare young birchwoods without underbrush more. It is possible to meet russulas both on an edge, and in a thicket, and among mosses, and in a dry fir grove. The first mushrooms can be found in June, but the peak of a harvest falls on August and September.


Structure of russulas

More than 30 types of russulas are known, to distinguish them among themselves quite difficult if only they do not differ with color of hats. Most often collect for preparation in food the following types of russulas:

  • To Podlipk;
  • Food;
  • Green.

Outward of russulas very characteristic – they have a round cap with a diameter up to 10 cm, the lower party of which is covered with the lamellar white or light yellow folds which are radially meeting to a trunk. So far a mushroom young, its hat of semi-spherical shape, at mature mushrooms a hat fleshy, with deepening in the middle or convexo-plane.

Edge of a hat smooth or slaborubchaty. The thin skin on a hat can be the most different coloring – light gray, greenish, pink, yellow, claret, bluish, etc. To the touch the thin skin is more often dryish, badly separates from a hat in the center. Pulp of russulas has white coloring, the dense crackling basis and the pleasant smell similar to fruit. A leg white and equal, up to 4 cm long, without tuber and folds on it.

Advantage of russulas

Russulas – a valuable source of protein, vitamins and minerals. RR vitamin participates in an organism with exchange of carbohydrates, improves work of a cardiovascular and nervous system, gives to skin elasticity and a fresh look.

Vitamin E participates in process of formation of sex cells, is one of antioxidants, improves delivery of oxygen to fabrics, food of skin and mucous membranes, preventing their dryness.

Vitamin C is important for normal work of immune system, it prevents the damaging action of free radicals of oxygen on cells, strengthens blood vessels.

Vitamins of group B participate in all types of a metabolism, are a part of the enzymes catalyzing biochemical reactions prevents development of anemia, diseases of a nervous system.

Russulas are rich with potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium. Are of nutritional value also mono - and disaccharides in their structure, food fibers, amino acids, lecithin and fatty acids.

Because of the low caloric content of a russula are recommended for inclusion in a diet to people with obesity.

Nutrition value of russulas

Russulas belong to the third category of mushrooms on nutrition value. And though follows from the name that they can be eaten crude, you should not do it – their separate types have sharp burning taste, and are not suitable in food at all.

Many underestimate tastes and advantage of russulas, but rather it is connected with difficulty of transportation of mushrooms – they brittle and easily crumble when pressing. Universal distribution of russulas makes them available for inclusion in a diet.

The best tastes are noted at views from yellowish and green coloring. They have pleasant nut, slightly sweetish smack.

Caloric content of russulas makes 19 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Сыроежки маринованные

There are many recipes of preparation of these mushrooms. They are good in a boiled, fried, stewed, salty, marinated, dried look. Before preparation to get rid of bitterish smack of some types of a russula previously boil in water of 5 - 7 minutes. In a dried look they keep up to 30% of protein.

Not really russulas are suitable for soups though for first course it is possible to use the broth received from them. Salty russulas are considered as especially tasty delicacy. They are quite often included in the list of ingredients of various salads.


Russulas – quite heavy food, they give load of a liver therefore at the broken its function it is worth refraining from the use of mushrooms. Also they are not recommended to children up to 7 years, the fermental system of a liver at which is insufficiently active for removal from an organism of cleavage products of russulas.

Whether you know that:

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