Main > Diseases> Teniosis


Short characteristic of a disease

Свинной цепень - кишечний червь вызывающий заболевание тениозомTeniosis – an infectious disease which is caused by the intestinal Taenia saginata or Taenia solium worms. These parasites and effects of their activity are known to mankind throughout many centuries, however, as well as in a case with many other infectious diseases, effective methods of treatment of a teniosis appeared relatively recently.

Thanks to regular preventive actions, distribution of a teniosis manages to be controlled practically in all regions of the planet. An exception to the rules are Northern China, Africa, some countries of South America and India. It is connected with the fact that the teniosis which diagnosis in the poor states is complicated because of low development of medicine appears after consumption of meat of domestic pigs and boars, and they quite often are the only source of livelihood for local population. However, regular cases of infection are fixed also in rather safe regions. In our country the teniosis is often found in Krasnoyarsk Krai and areas bordering on Ukraine and Belarus.

It should be noted that a final owner of a teniosis are only people. Pigs act as temporary carriers after eating of the forages and waste infected with eggs of helminths. The greatest danger is constituted by the meat which did not undergo veterinary control or made with disturbances of sanitary and hygienic rules and technologies of thermal treatment.

What occurs when worms get into a human body?

The teniosis is caused by pork tapeworms. They have length of 1,5-2 m. Along a body of parasites hundreds of joints playing a large role in the course of life activity and reproduction of worms are located. We already mentioned above how the teniosis appears (symptoms begin to develop after the use of pork). Now we will stop on activity of helminths in more detail. Their eggs collapse in a stomach of the person under the influence of acid medium then parasites get to circulatory system through walls of body and are carried on all body. Their greatest accumulation is observed in intermuscular connecting fabric. Here larvae are transformed in a cysticercus, and then and to full-fledged adult individuals. The last get into intestines, are attached to his mucous membrane and begin to grow, reaching a maturity approximately in 2-2,5 months. At the same time they cause numerous токсико - allergic reactions, irritate an internal surface of bodies with the suckers and absorb a large amount of the nutrients which were initially intending to the owner that is – to the person infected with a teniosis. At any suspicions on a teniosis treatment has to begin in minimum possible terms as permanent poisoning with toxins leads to nervous breakdowns and another serious complications.

Teniosis – disease symptoms

At patients the following symptoms of a teniosis are observed:

  • disorders of intestines;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • periodic headaches;
  • sleep disorders;
  • abdominal pains

Quite often the teniosis is followed by hypochromia anemia and cysticercosis of a brain which partly explains common neurologic symptoms of a disease.

Diagnosis of a teniosis

Diagnosis of a teniosis are carried out on the basis of samples a calla of potential patients. The task of specialists at diagnosis of a teniosis consists in identification of joints of a pork tapeworm that sometimes turns into rather serious problem, parasites are slow-moving and can show long time nothing the presence.

Treatment of a teniosis

Таблетки используемые при лечении тениоза

During treatment of a teniosis seeds of pumpkin and extract of a men's fern are used. Drugs are applied according to the following scheme: in 2-3 days prior to administration of drugs the patient is given only digestible food, and the day before – salt laxative. In day of the beginning of a course of treatment of a teniosis of people receives extract of a fern or seeds of pumpkin, in 3 hours – again laxative, an hour more later – a light breakfast. The dose of drugs is selected, proceeding from age of the patient and mass of his body.

In recent years at the diagnosis a teniosis treatment quite often includes use of phenasal or Vermoxum. In a case with the last drug observance of a diet and the use of any purgatives is not required that defines its wide circulation and gradual refusal of outdated techniques.

Prevention of a teniosis

The most important governed at prevention of a teniosis: it is necessary to buy products only in specially equipped points of sale. The spontaneous markets and the more so distribution of meat from hands do not concern to those. Observe also other elementary precautionary measures:

  • check a brand on meat and the veterinary certificate;
  • well boil or fry thoroughly meat as the teniosis, more precisely its activators, remains also at short-term influence of high temperatures;
  • do not taste crude forcemeat and other meat semi-finished products.
Whether you know that:

People who got used to have breakfast regularly have obesity much less often.