Main > Medical terms> Anophthalmus


Anophthalmus (anophthalmus; an-– otritsa. a prefix + Greek ophthalmos – an eye) – lack of an eyeglobe (one or both).

Anophthalmuses allocate the following types:

  • Inborn (congenitus) – the anomaly of development which is shown as sharply expressed микрофтальм or an anophthalmus;
  • With an orbital cyst (cum cysta orbitali; synonym: an eye cystous) – the anomaly of development which is characterized by an anophthalmus with existence of the cyst instead of an eyeglobe which developed from an eyecup or primary eye bubble;
  • Postoperative (postoperativus) – an anophthalmus which is result of surgical removal of an eyeglobe.
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Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.