Main > Medical terms> Apraxia


Apraxia (apraxia; and - – otritsa. Greek praxis – action) – disturbances of purposeful action against the background of safety of the elementary movements making it is frequent +; it is observed at focal defeats of bark of big cerebral hemispheres or conduction paths of a corpus collosum.

Types of apraxia:

  • Akinetic (akinetica; synonym: apraxia psychomotor) – is caused by a lack of motivation to the movements;
  • Anamnestic (amnestica) – disturbances of any actions against the background of preservation imitative;
  • Bilateral (bilateralis) – bilateral apraxia; arises in the presence of the pathological centers in the lower parietal segment of a dominant hemicerebrum;
  • Ideatorny (ideatoria; Greek idea – an image, the idea; synonyms: To Markuza apraxia, Bongeffera associative apraxia, Peak ideatorny apraxia) – impossibility to draw up the plan of consecutive actions which are necessary for implementation of difficult motive acts;
  • Ideokineticheskaya (ideokinetica; Greek idea – an image, the idea + kinetikos – belonging to the movement) – is caused by loss of ability to purposeful performance of simple actions which draw up the difficult motive statement, at preservation of a possibility of their accidental performance;
  • Kinaesthetic (kinaesthetica; synonym: apraxia afferent) – is caused by disturbance of autokinesias because of frustration of a kinaesthetic afferentation; it is characterized by search of the necessary movements; arises at defeats of bark of postcentral area of a dominant hemicerebrum;
  • Constructive (constructiva) – impossibility to make the whole subject of its parts;
  • Cortical (corticalis) – arises at defeats of bark of a dominant hemicerebrum;
  • Frontal (frontalis) – disturbances of programming of the difficult, proceeding consistently motive acts; arises at defeats of bark of prefrontal area of hemicerebrums;
  • Motor (motoria) – impossibility of implementation of the difficult motive act at preservation of ability to draw up the plan of the sequence of the actions necessary for its performance;
  • Clothing – clothing difficulty; it is observed at defeats of pariyetooktsipitalny area of bark of a great brain;
  • Oral (oralis) – motor apraxia of facial muscles with disorders of the difficult movements of language and lips; leads to disturbances of the speech;
  • Premotorny (praemotoria; synonym: apraxia dynamic) – is caused by a dezavtomatization of motive acts and their pathological inertness; it is characterized by disturbances of skills which are necessary for transformation of separate movements in more difficult; it is observed at defeats of premotorny area of bark of a great brain;
  • Space – disturbance of orientation in space, mainly, in the right-left direction;
  • Walking – disturbance of walking in the absence of vestibular, proprioceptive, motive frustration and an ataxy; it is observed at defeats of bark of frontal lobes of a great brain.
Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.