Main > Medical terms> Asphyxia


Asphyxia (asphyxia; Greek and - – otritsa. sphyxis – a pulsation, pulse is frequent +; synonym: suffocation) – the morbid condition caused by the hypoxia and a hypercapnia proceeding sharply or subacutely; it is shown by heavy circulatory disturbances, breath, work of a nervous system.

Allocate the following types of asphyxia:

  • Mechanical – is caused by a mechanical obstacle for breath (a prelum of a neck, stomach and thorax, obturation of respiratory tracts and openings);
  • Newborn (neonatorum) – it is observed at newborns in the absence of breath and existence of cordial activity or at the separate irregular respiratory movements;
  • The newborn white (neonatorum pallida) – a severe form of asphyxia of the newborn; it is characterized by deathly pallor of integuments, a hypomyotonia, lack of reflexes, a priglushennost of cordial tones and sharp bradycardia;
  • The newborn secondary (neonatorum secundaria) – develops soon after the birth;
  • The newborn intranatal (neonatorum intranatalis) – begins at the time of delivery;
  • The newborn blue (neonatorum livida) – an easy form of asphyxia of the newborn; it is characterized by bradycardia, cyanosis of integuments, decrease in tendon jerks against the background of preservation of a gag and lid reflex, and muscle tone;
  • Fruit (fetus; synonyms: asphyxia is pre-natal, the fruit hypoxia) – arises at a fruit as a result of a chronic or acute disorder of funic, or uteroplacental blood circulation, or owing to asphyxia of the pregnant woman;
  • Fruit chronic (fetus chronica) – slowly developing fruit asphyxia connected with changes of a placenta, for example, against the background of toxicoses, a perenashivaniye of pregnancy, Rh incompatibility, a diabetes mellitus at the pregnant woman;
  • Traumatic (traumatica) – the syndrome resembling superficially an asphyxia picture, is caused by a prelum of a stomach, thorax or all body (for example, a car wheel, soil at a collapse); it is characterized by multiple hemorrhages in the parts of a body located above a prelum and an extensive venous staz.
Whether you know that:

The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.