
Aura (aura; Greek – whiff, a breeze; synonym: an attack harbinger) – a peculiar feeling, the movement or mental experience (false perception of reality, fear, etc.) which directly precedes an epileptic seizure.

Allocate the following types of aura:

  • Vegetative (vegetativa) – in the form of vasculomotor and/or secretory disturbances;
  • Vestibular (vestibularis) – in the form of dizziness (at localization of the center of pathology in a temporal share of a brain);
  • Visceral (visceralis) – in the form of unpleasant feelings in internals;
  • Flavoring (gustatoria) – in the form of feeling of taste of food, most often unpleasant character (at localization of the center of pathology in a temporal share of a brain);
  • Visual (optica) – in the form of elementary visual feelings, images, difficult hallucinatory pictures or objects (at localization of the center of pathology in occipital area of bark of big cerebral hemispheres);
  • Isolated (isolata) – the aura which is its abortal form which the epileptic seizure does not follow;
  • Cardial (cardialis) – in the form of burdensome feeling in heart;
  • Motor (motoria; synonym: aura motive) – in the form of convulsive reduction of separate muscles, groups of muscles or motive concern;
  • Olfactory (olfactoria) – in the form of feeling of a smell, most often unpleasant character (at localization of the center of pathology in a hippocampus);
  • Mental (psychica) – in the form of fleeting experiences earlier seen or never seen, the former experiences mixed with fragments (at localization of the center of pathology in a temporal share of a brain);
  • Psychosensorial (psychosensoria) – in the form of feeling of change of the sizes and/or a form of separate parts or all body, change of a form and size of surrounding objects;
  • Speech motor – in the form of a sudden stop of the speech because of impossibility of possession of organs of articulation;
  • Sensitive (sensitiva) – in the form of experience of feeling of melancholy and hopeless grief or pleasure (at localization of the center of pathology in a temporal share of a brain);
  • Touch (sensoria) – in the form of any feelings: visual, tactile, olfactory, acoustical, etc.;
  • Acoustical (auditiva; synonym: aura acoustic) – in the form of perception of sounds, words and the whole phrases (at localization of the center of pathology in a temporal share of a brain);
  • Epigastric (epigastrica) – in the form of unpleasant feelings in a stomach.
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According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.