Main > Medical terms> Bar Peak syndrome

Bar Peak syndrome

Bar Peak syndrome (L. J. Bard m, 1857-1930, fr. doctor; A. F. Pic, 1863-1943, fr. doctor; Xing: Courvoisier-Terrie a syndrome, Courvoisier a syndrome, Peak a syndrome, a syndrome pankreatiko-biliary) – the connection of symptoms of a pancreatic cancer (exchange disturbance, pain in an anticardium, etc.) with manifestations of squeezing of bilious channels (jaundice, increase in volumes of a gall bladder and liver, etc.) connected with the tumor located around a big nipple of a duodenum (a faterov of a nipple).

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.