Main > Medical terms> Pregnancy


Pregnancy (Latin of graviditas) – the physiological process proceeding in the woman's organism at which of an oospore the fruit capable to extra uterine existence develops can be observed simultaneous formation of two and more fruits.

Types of pregnancy:

  • Extrauterine (extrauterina; synonyms: ectopic, nesvoyemestny) – it is characterized by development of an oospore out of a cavity of the uterus;
  • Extrauterine belly (extrauterina abdominalis) – at which implantation of an oospore occurs on one of abdominal organs (an epiploon, a gut);
  • Extrauterine pipe (extrauterina tubaria) – an oospore is fixed in a uterine tube;
  • Extrauterine pipe ampullar (extrauterina tubaria ampullaris) – an oospore is implemented into an ampullar part of a uterine tube; is interrupted internal (in a pipe gleam) by a rupture of a fruit bed with further formation of a hematosalpinx or pipe abortion;
  • Extrauterine pipe intersticial (extrauterina tubaria interstitialis; synonym: extrauterine pipe interstitial) – an oospore is implanted into the site of a uterine tube passing in a uterus wall; is interrupted by an outside rupture of a fruit bed;
  • Extrauterine pipe recervical (extrauterina tubaria isthmica) – implantation of an oospore is carried out in an isthmus of a uterine tube; is interrupted by an outside rupture of a pipe;
  • Extrauterine ovarian (extrauterina ovarica) – an oospore is fixed in an ovary;
  • Two-fetal (bigeminalis) – in a cavity of the uterus is observed simultaneous development of two fruits;
  • Full-term (matura) – lasting on average 40 weeks, at a reference mark from the first day of the last periods that answers the term which is required for the birth of the term fetus;
  • Immunological incompatible (synonym: immunoconflict) – proceeding with complications in the form of symptoms of immunological reaction of an organism of mother to fruit antigens, for example, at incompatibility on a Rhesus factor of blood of mother and a fruit;
  • Polycarpous (multifetalis; synonym: a multiple pregnancy) – simultaneous development of two and more fruits in a uterus;
  • Premature (praematura) – on term between 28 and 38 weeks comes to the end with the premature birth of a premature viable fruit;
  • Normal (synonym: physiological) – is characterized by lack of complications and comes to an end with the birth of the healthy full-term child;
  • Complicated (complicata) – at course various complications caused by anomalies of development or extragenital diseases, morbid conditions of a reproductive system, immune responses, etc. are noted;
  • In a rudimentary horn of a uterus (in cornu rudimentario uteri) – the oospore develops in one insufficiently developed uterus horn which often is not reported with a vagina and a cavity of the uterus; usually comes to an end with a rupture of a fruit bed;
  • Cervical (cervicalis) – implantation and development of an oospore occurs in a neck or in a uterus isthmus.
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