Main > Medical terms> Berylliosis


Berylliosis (berylliosis; lat. Beryllium – beryllium + Greek - Usis (словообраз. a suffix) – a disease) – the occupational disease caused by the toxic and sensibilizing effect of beryllium and its connections, which is characterized by formation in lungs of a diffusion pneumosclerosis and granulematozny process.


  1. Berylliosis of skin (berylliosis cutanea) – the professional dermatosis appearing at penetration of beryllium through skin at disturbances of its integrity or as a sign of the general berylliosis; it is characterized by presence at hypodermic cellulose and skin of beryllium granulomas);
  2. Berylliosis miliary (beryllilosis miliaris) – a kliniko-anatomic kind of a berylliosis at which emergence of the prosovidny hillocks resembling on tubercular not only in lungs, but also in a liver, lymph nodes, kidneys, a spleen and other bodies is noted.
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