Main > Medical terms> Bronchadenitis


Bronchadenitis (bronchadenitis; bronch-(a bronchial tube-); Greek bronchos – a windpipe; the prefix designating communication with bronchial tubes + Greek aden – gland + lat. it (словообраз. a suffix) – inflammatory process) – an inflammation of the lymph nodes adjoining large bronchial tubes and a trachea, and also being in mediastinum cellulose; forms as a symptom of systemic lesion of lymph nodes or as regional lymphadenitis.

Allocate a bronchadenitis:

  • Indurative (indurata; lat. induro, induratum – to do firm) – the tubercular bronchadenitis differing in furnacing of lymph nodes and a sclerosis; in certain cases can be complicated by cicatricial deformation of adjacent bodies;
  • Infiltrative (infiltrativa) – a tubercular bronchadenitis which characteristic feature is the expressed perifocal inflammation and a hyperplasia of lymph nodes;
  • Caseous (caseosa) – the tubercular bronchadenitis differing in a considerable tyromatosis of lymphadenoid fabric it is frequent with developing of the fistulas which are opened in a gleam of bronchial tubes;
  • Tubercular (tuberculosa) – a bronchadenitis which emergence is one of the most typical primary symptoms of a tuberculosis infection;
  • Tumorous (tumorosa; synonym: a bronchadenitis tumorous) – the tubercular bronchadenitis differing in a sharp hyperplasia of lymph nodes of a mediastinum.
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