Main > Medical terms> The mesentery is dorsal

The mesentery is dorsal

Mesentery dorsal (mesenterium dorsale; synonyms: the mesentery is back, a mesentery back) – the fold forming from a visceral layer of a ventral mesoderm at a germ attaching an intestinal tube to a back (dorsal) body wall; dorsal the big epiploon, a mesentery of a worm-shaped shoot, a small bowel, a cross colon and others are formed of a mesentery. A mesentery the dorsal general (m. dorsale commune – PNA (The anatomic nomenclature Parisian); m. commune – BNA (The anatomic nomenclature Basel); mesenterium, JNA – (The anatomic nomenclature Yenskaya); synonym: a mesentery the general) – the anomaly of development which is expressed as preservation on all departments of intestines of a mesentery dorsal that results in its excessive mobility.

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