Main > Medical terms> Veynberg Wednesday

Veynberg Wednesday

Veynberg Wednesday (M. V. Veynberg, microbiologist, 1868-1940)

Allocate Veynberg Wednesday:

  1. The nutritious semi-fluid environment used for cultivation of pathogenic anaerobe bacterias, which is the beef-extract broth containing 0,2% of glucose and 1% of an agar;
  2. (Synonym: the environment of enrichment Vf) – the nutritious fluid medium intended for receiving toxins of activators of a mephitic gangrene and cultivation of a stick of botulism, which is peptone mix from a liver and a stomach of a pig, and water extract of a muscle of heart of a bull;
  3. The general name of a number of the carbohydrate mediums used for establishment of sakharolitichesky properties of anaerobic microorganisms.
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