Main > Medical terms> Age structure of the population

Age structure of the population

Age structure of the population – distribution of population according to age groups.

Types of structure of the population:

  • Progressive (synonym: the progressive type of the population) – in which a part of the population is aged younger than 14 years a part of the population aged from 50 years exceeds and is more senior that does possible the numerical growth of population;
  • Regressive (synonym: the regressive type of the population) – at which a part of persons aged from 50 years is also more senior exceeds a part of the population aged 14 years are younger; is threat of reduction of number of population in the future;
  • Stationary (synonym: the stationary type of the population) – in which a part of the population is aged younger than 14 years is equal to a part of the population at the age of 50 years and is more senior; predetermines stabilization of number of population.
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