Main > Diseases> Tonsillitis


Tonsillitis – an inflammation of palatine tonsils. Distinguish acute tonsillitis and adenoid, acute disease call quinsy.

Tonsillitis reasons

Причины тонзиллитаTonsillitis this infectious, and in certain cases the infectious and allergic disease which is transmitted in the airborne way. Tonsillitis at children can sometimes be transmitted also in the fecal and oral way. As activators serve bacteria and viruses. The viral infection causing tonsillitis is especially active during the autumn and winter period, and the same viruses which cause a SARS and ORZ, promote development of tonsillitis. Afterwards the bacterial infection can join, in most cases tonsillitis is caused by streptococci. Developing of tonsillitis, in addition to the infectious agent, requires decrease in immunity that often happens during the overcooling, overfatigue, irrational food and especially a combination of these factors.

Types of tonsillitis

Tonsillitis happens acute and chronic.

Acute tonsillitis (quinsy) depending on clinical features divide into the following forms:

  • Catarral;
  • Follicular;
  • Lacunary;
  • Fibrinous;
  • Herpetic;
  • Phlegmonous;
  • Ulcer and necrotic;
  • The mixed forms.

The adenoid disease can be simple and toksiko-allergic. The simple adenoid disease is shown only by local symptoms, toksiko-allergic is followed by considerable deterioration in the general condition of an organism (lymphadenitis, complications from cardiovascular system, joints, kidneys and so forth)

Tonsillitis symptoms

Tonsillitis symptoms in an acute form of a disease (quinsy), the following: the severe pain in a throat amplifying when swallowing, feeling of a prelum, breath difficulty. The general condition of an organism worsens, weakness, an indisposition, high temperature, an ache in joints, a headache appear. Temperature can rise considerably – 38-39 °C.

Симптомы тонзиллита

Tonsillitis symptoms in a chronic form are similar, but are a little less expressed. Pain and temperature usually are absent, there can be only small pain when swallowing, stirs feeling of irritation in a throat, an unpleasant smell from a mouth. The general condition of an organism suffers, but is not as expressed, as at acute tonsillitis.

Tonsillitis at children proceeds more hard, than at adults. Because of severe pain in a throat the child can refuse food and drink, quite often rise in temperature at children is followed by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Characteristic symptom of tonsillitis in all its forms is increase in palatine tonsils that can be seen with the naked eye. Much the increased palatine tonsils, bright red (acute tonsillitis) or stagnant-red (adenoid disease) color. Depending on a tonsillitis form they can be pruinose, pustules, films, ulcerations.

Diagnosis of tonsillitis

The diagnosis is made on the basis of characteristic symptoms of tonsillitis, the general, and mainly, local. At hard proceeding acute tonsillitis or at a persistent current of an adenoid disease conduct a bacteriological research (бакпосев) of contents of lacunas of palatine tonsils for the purpose of identification of the activator, and also an immunological blood analysis.

How to treat tonsillitis?

Did not raise doubts how to treat tonsillitis – of course, antibiotics several years ago. It appears, not everything is so simple, and in certain cases antibiotics can do more harm, than advantage, and in some are absolutely irreplaceable. However one word – immediately will be the exact answer to a question how to treat tonsillitis. Despite the seeming inoffensiveness of a disease ("trifles who had no quinsy?") tonsillitis, especially streptococcal etiology, is capable to cause the hardest complications as which reason serves immunity disturbance. According to some information, in most cases a glomerulonephritis (severe damage of kidneys) and rheumatism (at which heart suffers) the tonsillitis which did not receive adequate treatment is guilty.

So, how to treat tonsillitis? Tonsillitis in common form demands active local antibacterial therapy. Irrigations, rinsings by solutions of antiseptic agents, rassasyvany the lollipops containing antibacterial drugs, processing of almonds iodinated drugs, inhalations – all this it is necessary to do constantly, through everyone one or two hours, before clarification of palatine tonsils. First of all the throat has to is in heat: the neck is warmed dry heat (a woolen bandage, a scarf), appoint plentiful warm drink. In an acute form of a disease also appoint the antiinflammatory nonsteroid drugs having the anesthetizing and febrifugal effect. Antibiotics in this case are not recommended as they suppress local immunity.

Severe forms of quinsy demand purpose of a bed rest and use of an antibioticotherapia. At the same time topical treatment has to be same intensive, as well as at a simple form.

In how to treat tonsillitis in a chronic form, opinions of doctors at the moment disperse. Earlier accepted treatment consisted in unambiguous purpose of surgical removal of palatine tonsils. However now, in view of the collected information on tonsilectomy complications (removal of palatine tonsils), most of otolaryngologists do not recommend to hurry with operation. At an adenoid disease reveal the activator, carry out etiotropic (directed against the specific activator) treatment, the antiinflammatory, immunostimulating and fortifying means, and also physical therapy methods, and all this an intensive course are in parallel appointed, and if necessary repeat a course of treatment.

Lack of results of several courses of an intensive care of an adenoid disease, frequent (from 2 to 4 in a year) a disease recurrence, and also signs of rheumatic defeat of other bodies (heart, kidneys, joints) serve as the indication for surgical removal of palatine tonsils.

Treatment of tonsillitis folk remedies

Treatment of tonsillitis folk remedies can be very effective, and usually traditional medicamentous therapy of tonsillitis uses folk remedies as necessary addition. However it is not recommended to appoint similar treatment independently, without consultation with the doctor as at use of only one folk remedies tonsillitis can pass into the complicated or chronic form.

Лечение тонзиллита фурацилиномFrom folk remedies of treatment of tonsillitis rinsings by broths of medicative herbs (a camomile, a mallow, a sage, coltsfoot, a calendula, etc.), 1-1,5% hydrogen peroxide solution, solutions of soda, salt in warm water are widely applied. Do inhalations by broths of medicative herbs (an eucalyptus, a sage, a camomile and so forth). As fortifying means use of honey and other products of beekeeping (a uterine milk, propolis, pollen) is effective. As immunoexcitants appoint plant extracts of a mallow, horsetail, eleuterokokk, purple cone-flower purple.

Treatment of tonsillitis folk remedies can be carried out in case of lack of individual intolerance of medical plants and products of beekeeping.

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