Main > Diseases> Tularemia


Short characteristic of a disease

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The tularemia is an infectious disease which is characterized by a natural ochagovost, causes inflammatory processes in the place of penetration of activators, regional lymphadenites, fever and the general intoxication of an organism. The activator of a tularemia is capable to remain long time in unfavorable conditions therefore in the absence of treatment a slope disease to a long current and development into a chronic form.

In places where the tularemia is widespread, the inoculation is obligatory for all population except for children up to 7 years and persons who have contraindications to a vaccine. The first inoculation is single, repeated vaccination is carried out every 5 years. As for definition of adverse regions. Territories in which cases of infection with a tularemia, or areas where tulyaremiyny antigens are regularly emitted from objects of external environment were registered belong to their number. In other cases vaccination of the population touches only the faces belonging to risk groups.

What occurs at penetration of the activator into an organism?

Water rats, mice, hares and other rodents act as the main sources of a tularemia. Sick people of danger do not represent, that is if the tularemia is diagnosed for you, symptoms of a disease have to concern only you. The tularemia does not threaten members of your family, fellow workers and close friends. It is possible to pick up a tularemia when to bacteria access in an organism through scratches and other injuries of skin or mucous membranes opens. One more widespread way of infection – the use of the water contaminated by rodents.

Right after penetration into a body of the person, the activator of a tularemia begins to breed strenuously and, sooner or later, bacteria are carried on all bodies and systems. They settle preferential in lymph nodes, a liver, a spleen and lungs. If the tularemia begins to develop, symptoms are usually shown in 3-6 days. At patients temperature suddenly increases, muscle pains, nausea, a headache develop. Let's notice that temperature quite often reaches critical point therefore at the diagnosis a tularemia treatment has to begin right after statement of the correct diagnosis.

Clinical picture of a tularemia

Characteristics of a tularemia in many respects depend on that, how exactly bacteria got to an organism. The most common form of an infection – a skin and bubonic tularemia which develops owing to defeats of an integument. Let's list the most explicit symptoms of a tularemia:

  • emergence of diapyetic ulcers in the place of penetration of bacteria;
  • constant itch in the field of the damaged integuments;
  • hyperadenosis (can have a diameter of 5-9 cm);
  • suppuration of lifmatichesky nodes with the subsequent rupture of the center and release of dense, slivkoobrazny pus.

In certain cases pustules resolve independently, but to indulge "in vain hopes" we do not advise you because self-liquidation process very long, and ulcers look rather unpleasantly and considerably reduce quality of human life. Besides, the skin tularemia which diagnosis does not make special problems will well respond to treatment. It is one more weighty argument to postponing a visit to the doctor.

Several words about other forms of a tularemia:

  • the glazobubonny tularemia – develops owing to penetration of activators on an eye conjunctiva;
  • the angiozno-bubonic form – is caused by hit of bacteria in a mouth of the person. Symptoms of a disease are similar to quinsy, but it proceeds much heavier – with high temperature, severe fever and significant increase in cervical lymph nodes;
  • the abdominal tularemia – is followed by abdominal pains, nausea, vomiting, open intestinal bleedings (appear not at all patients). In this case symptoms of an infection are similar to appendicitis that complicates statement of the correct diagnosis;
  • the pulmonary form of a tularemia – is caused by hit of activators in lungs. The disease proceeds hard, is followed by severe pains in a breast. If the pulmonary tularemia is diagnosed for the patient, the inoculation is an obligatory stage of treatment as there is a real possibility of development of serious complications (abscesses) and irreversible deformations of lungs.

Treatment of a tularemia

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Antibiotics become choice drugs at a tularemia. The skin form of a tularemia is not dangerous to the person and can pass itself, but specific treatment allows to accelerate this process, saves the person from contemplation of ugly sores. The pulmonary form causes much more dramatic effects and demands an integrated approach with obligatory constant control behind a condition of the patient.

Prevention of a tularemia consists in planned immunization of the population. The people living in floodplains of the rivers and also employees of the enterprises specializing in preparation of skins of a muskrat, water rats and hares get into risk group.

Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.