Main> Drowning


Drowning is a type of mechanical suffocation which is caused by filling of lungs with liquid. Time and the nature of approach of death in water depends on external factors and a condition of an organism. About 70000 people around the world die every year of drowning. Generally young men and children become the victims. Утопление - механическое удушье водой

Drowning reasons

Risk factors is alcoholic intoxication, existence at the person of heart diseases, injury of a backbone when diving headfirst. Also sharp fluctuation of temperature, exhaustion, various injuries when diving can become the reasons of drowning.

The risk of drowning increases in case of a whirlpool, the high speed of a current of water, existence of key sources. The quiet behavior in critical situation and lack of panic can reduce risk of drowning considerably.

Types of drowning

There are three types of drowning.

The true type of drowning is characterized by filling of respiratory tracts liquid to the smallest branchings – alveoluses. In alveolar partitions under pressure of liquid capillaries burst, and water or other liquid comes to blood. Thereof there is a disturbance of water and salt balance and an erythrocytolysis.

The asphyxial type of drowning is characterized by a spasm of respiratory tracts that finally leads to suffocation from a lack of oxygen. At hit of water or liquid in respiratory tracts there is a laryngospasm that leads to a hypoxia. At the last stages of drowning respiratory tracts relax, and liquid gets into lungs.

The syncopal type of drowning is characterized by approach of death from a reflex cardiac standstill and breath. Such type of drowning happens from overcooling or a strong emotional shock. Makes 10-14% of all cases of drowning.

Drowning signs

The main symptoms and signs of drowning depend on its type.

At true drowning sharp cyanosis of skin and mucous membranes is observed, pink foam, veins on a neck and extremities very bulked up is thrown out of respiratory tracts.

At asphyxial drowning integuments have not such blue coloring, as at true drowning. From lungs of the victim pink small-bubbling foam is emitted.

At syncopal drowning integuments have pale coloring because of a spasm of capillaries, such victims still call "pale". The optimum forecast has such appearance of drowning. It is known that at syncopal drowning even after 10 and more minutes of stay under water revival is possible.

It should be noted that the forecast when drowning in sea waters more favorable, than in fresh water.

The help when drowning

The help when drowning consists in holding resuscitation actions. It is necessary to remember that, the earlier to take measures for revival, the forecast will be the best, and the chances of the victim of recovery are higher.

The main help when drowning is carrying out artificial ventilation of the lungs and an indirect cardiac massage.

It is desirable to carry out an artificial respiration as soon as possible, even during transportation on the coast. In the beginning it is necessary to exempt an oral cavity from alien bodies. For this purpose the finger wrapped by bandage (or any pure rag), is entered into a mouth and delete all superfluous. If the masticatory spasm because of what it is impossible to open a mouth is observed, then it is necessary to insert the mouth gag or any metal subject.Первая помощь при утоплении - освобождение легких от воды

It is possible to apply special suctions to release of lungs from water and foam. If they are absent then it is necessary to lay the victim a stomach down on a knee of the rescuer and to vigorously squeeze a thorax. If for several seconds water does not depart, it is necessary to start artificial ventilation of the lungs. For this purpose the victim is put on the earth, throw back the head, one hand the rescuer puts under a neck, and another on the patient's forehead. It is necessary to put forward a mandible so that the lower teeth acted forward. After that the rescuer deeply inhales and, pressing the mouth to a mouth or the victim's nose, exhales air. At emergence of respiratory activity in the victim artificial ventilation of the lungs cannot be stopped if consciousness is not recovered and the respiratory rhythm is broken.

If cordial activity is absent, then along with an artificial respiration it is necessary to carry out an indirect cardiac massage. Hands of the rescuer have to be placed perpendicular to the patient's breast in its lower third. Massage is made in the form of sharp pushes with relaxation intervals. Frequency of pushes – from 60 to 70 in a minute. At the correct carrying out an indirect cardiac massage blood from ventricles gets into the blood circulatory system.

If the rescuer carries out revival alone, then it is necessary to alternate massage of a cardiac muscle and artificial ventilation. One inflation of air in lungs has to drop to 4-5 pushes on a breast.

Time, optimum for carrying out resuscitation actions, makes 4 - 6 minutes after rescue of the person. When drowning in ice water revival is possible also in half an hour after extraction from water.

Anyway as soon as possible, even at recovery of all vital signs, it is necessary to bring without fail the victim in a hospital.

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