Main > Drugs> Heather


Вереск обыкновенный, используемый в народной медицинеHeather – the evergreen strongly branching bush from the family of the same name Heather. Grows in Europe, the Atlantic coast of North America, North Africa, Greenland, in a moderate belt of Asia. The plant a heather is eurysynusic in Russia, he can be met both in its European part, and in Siberia. Generally the bush meets in the woods, on peatbogs. With some other plants the heather can form specific thickets which are called heather heathlands. Something like that only one look - a heather ordinary. It is presented by several tens grades which differ on coloring of flowers and leaves.

Medicinal properties of a heather

Medicinal properties of a heather are known long ago and are quite widely used by traditional medicine, both flowers, and plant leaves are for this purpose applied. Collecting raw materials is made in a blooming period, an upper part of escapes together with flowers is removed, then material is dried in a shadow, having spread out to fabrics in one layer. Collected raw materials can be used during 1 year. Curative properties of a plant a heather are caused by existence in it of a large amount of tannins, flavonid, essential oils, polysaccharides, carotene, calcium, sodium and phosphorus. Drugs on the basis of this bush possess weakening and calming action, tea with addition of a heather has antiinflammatory and antiseptic effects. Tincture from a heather ordinary is used during creation of some homeopathic medicines.

Use of a heather in medicine

Ботаническая иллюстрация вереска обыкновенногоThe plant a heather in traditional medicine is applied at diseases of a nervous system, at inflammatory respiratory diseases, at rheumatism, colds.

For treatment of neurologic diseases heather infusion is used. It prepares as follows: 1 tablespoon of a dried heather is filled in with boiled water and insisted 2-3 hours. After that infusion should be filtered, use it inside on ½ glasses 3-4 times a day.

Infusion of a heather ordinary is also used at treatment of diseases of a gall bladder (chronic cholecystitis), and at an urolithiasis (if sands/stones in kidneys consist of oxalates or urates). Only in these cases it is accepted on 1 glass 4 times a day. In the same dosage the heather is applied in treatment of obesity.

For treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis infusion of this plant is used as anti-inflammatory and diuretic drug. Also the heather can be used in the medical purposes at prostate diseases.

Infusion of a heather can be applied at treatment of gastritis, colitis (with a diarrhea syndrome). In these cases it is necessary to accept infusion to food 4 times a day. However treatment by a heather is contraindicated to people at whom acidity of a stomach is lowered.

For treatment of catarrhal diseases, quinsy and tonsillitis rinsings of a throat with heather infusion as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drug are shown. Except infusion at inflammatory diseases of upper respiratory tracts heather honey which is a good antiseptic agent well helps, helps to remove toxins and possesses diuretic action. Honey can be used also at bronchial asthma.

At gout infusion of a heather ordinary can be used as lotions and poultices on area of the affected joints. Along with it it is necessary to accept infusion inside on 1\2 glasses 4 times a day. At injuries or diseases of joints of other origin the heather is used for preparation of local bathtubs. For this purpose 3 tablespoons of a dry plant insist in 1 liter of boiled water in the dry warm place.

Whether you know that:

Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.