Main > Diseases> Vestibulo-ataktichesky syndrome

Vestibulo-ataktichesky syndrome

Vestibulo-ataktichesky syndrome – a syndrome, the second for occurrence, along with pseudobulbar, tsefalgichesky, pyramidal, amyostatic, Профилактикой развития вестибуло-атактического синдрома является предупреждение развития ишемии головного мозга and being characteristic at brain ischemia.

There is a vestibulo-atactic syndrome for various reasons, but generally to it lead the vascular disorders connected with a resistant spasm or damage of arteries of a brain.

Symptoms of a vestibulo-atactic syndrome

Symptoms of a vestibulo-atactic syndrome at initial stages are:

  • Dizzinesses;
  • Flashing of "front sights" before eyes;
  • Lack of coordination;
  • Nausea;
  • Unsteadiness of gait.

At later stages the subjective and objective diskoordinatorny disturbances which are accurately interconnected among themselves are traced.

Reasons of a vestibulo-atactic syndrome

To a vestibulo-atactic syndrome the chronic circulatory unefficiency brings in the vertebrobazilyarny arterial pool of the acquired or inborn character. Also the phenomenon of a vestibulo-atactic syndrome is connected with frontal and trunk disturbances, normotensive hydrocephaly, an atrophy of cortical substance, a hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Treatment of a vestibulo-atactic syndrome

Treatment of a vestibulo-atactic syndrome needs to be begun with the qualitative analysis by means of poll of sick, neurologic and otonevrologichesky inspection. Then search of signs of diffusion defeat of departments of a brain, use of anti-hypertensive therapy, daily control of arterial pressure and decrease in content of cholesterol statines follows. The patient needs to completely change a food allowance and to lead a healthy lifestyle (to get rid of addictions).

One of the most important components of treatment of a syndrome is purpose of such antioxidants as:

  • Actovegin;
  • Mildronate;
  • Meksidol.

Also appoint drugs which optimize cerebral circulation, namely Instenon, Cavintonum and Trental.

For treatment of chronic ischemia of a brain 2-3 stages which is followed by a vestibulo-atactic syndrome are possible purpose of symptomatic therapy which includes reception of antidepressants. Для лечения вестибуло-атактического синдрома применяется ГрандаксинThe safest among them are medicines of a benzodiazepine row, such as Grandaxinum.

Neurologists who in addition to above-mentioned means can also appoint physiotherapeutic influence, and at times even hypnosis generally are engaged in treatment of a vestibulo-atactic syndrome.

In certain cases at treatment of a syndrome surgical intervention at which on the struck party crossing of vasomotor fibers of a vertebral artery is carried out is necessary. Results of an operative measure are decrease in spasms of resistant character of an artery and improvement of blood circulation of the sites of a brain which are responsible for maintenance of coordination and balance.

Preventive measures in order to avoid development of a vestibulo-atactic syndrome is the prevention of development of ischemia of a brain. From early age it is necessary to avoid stressful situations, not to abuse alcohol and tobacco smoking, and at the first displays of ischemia decrease in exercise stresses and avoidance of long stay in the sun is necessary.

Also important measures of prevention are fight against obesity and treatment of a hypodynamia. And at such diseases as a diabetes mellitus, a hypertension and atherosclerosis, it is necessary to perform treatment only at specialists doctors.

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