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Chicken pox (chicken pox)

Short characteristic of a disease

Ребенок болеющий ветрянкойChicken pox or as it got used to be called in the people, chicken pox is among acute viral diseases. A contagium is the shingles virus. The disease is transmitted in the airborne way and affects people of any age. Let's notice that chicken pox at adults and children becomes infectious even before emergence of the first symptoms therefore and in our country, and epidemics of chicken pox which are usually falling on winter and the beginning of spring abroad are regularly fixed.

The virus gets into a human body through mucous membranes of upper respiratory tracts. In them there is its initial reproduction (replication). After that the virus gets to blood and is carried on all main systems of life activity. In the course of further development the causative agent of chicken pox is fixed, causes dystrophic changes and forms the characteristic bubbles filled with serous substance.

Many people consider that an enanthesis is the only serious display of chicken pox. Certainly, they are mistaken. At the diagnosis chicken pox treatment has to be carried out immediately as, otherwise, the infection brings to:

  • to damage of internals – in lungs, a liver, a meninx the centers of a necrosis and hemorrhage often come to light;
  • to defeat intervertebral ганглиев and nervous tissue;
  • to the surrounding herpes – arises at the time of a virus exit to the surface of skin.

Chicken pox symptoms

Chicken pox symptoms in many respects depend on age of the patient. Chicken pox at children seldom proceeds in a severe form and in most cases recovers without any serious complications. The situation changes in a case with children with weak immunity and adults who had no chicken pox in the childhood. Their disease has more expressed symptomatology and demands prolonged treatment.

Chicken pox (the incubation interval of an infection makes 10-15 days) has an effect in 2-3 days prior to emergence of the first enanthesis. Characteristic symptoms of chicken pox are:

  • headache;
  • slight increase of temperature;
  • febricula.

Then the patient with chicken pox has enanthesis and mucous membranes. First they have the form of spots, but then quickly pass into the small knots and vesicles filled with transparent liquid. These educations cause a severe itch which haunts neither in the afternoon, nor at night. Almost always rashes take an upper body. At the same time they can cover both limited sites, and practically all surface of an integument of the head and trunk if chicken pox has a difficult current.

Process of nodulation and vesicles lasts about 5 days. By the end of 6 days of new rashes does not appear, and old - become covered by a crust which will disappear itself approximately in 3 weeks. After chicken pox on site of former sores there can be unpleasant vicious hands. It often happens after an inflammation or suppuration of bubbles. In this plan chicken pox at children is especially dangerous. Kids unconsciously comb sores that leads to bacterial infections and formation of abscesses.

Chicken pox – treatment and forecasts

As it was already noticed above, at children's age the infection is transferred well, but chicken pox at adults often has severe forms that exerts impact on the choice of a technique of treatment.

In a case with an easy form of chicken pox doctors take measures for simplification of an itch and prevention of combing of sores not to allow development of consecutive bacterial infections. Wet compresses and oat bathtubs are for this purpose used. To patients antihistaminic drugs are appointed. It is very important to follow elementary rules of hygiene: to wear pure underwear, to regularly take baths, to cut nails. Antibiotics and antiseptic agents are applied only in case of infection.

Medium-weight and heavy chicken pox demands a bit different approach from adults. In addition to standard procedures patients without fail accept antiviral drugs – валацикловир, an acyclovir, фамцикловир. Febrifugal drugs are recommended to patients with strong heat. To avoid complications after chicken pox and to accelerate development of antibodies, the patient enter immunoglobulin.

Features of treatment of chicken pox at children

зеленка - лучшее средство для лечения ветрянкиThroughout an infectious disease small children need constant control from parents who have to distract the child by means of games and not allow it to comb bubbles. At the diagnosis chicken pox treatment is under construction on full isolation of the kid from peers, observance of a bed rest, regular change of linen and processing of nails by soap solutions. Pour 2-3 times a day cauterize antiseptic agents. It is for this purpose used both classical "brilliant green", and some other means – solution methylene blue, yellow Rivanolum, red potassium permanganate. At a severe itch to children antihistaminic drugs are appointed, at a heat – antipyretics. To children with reduced immunity enter immunoglobulin. If chicken pox led to purulent complications, treatment assumes reception of antibiotics, for example, of penicillin.

The quarantine stops through 5-7 after emergence of the last fresh bubble. Once again we will notice that during a disease parents have to take care of respect for hygiene and healthy nutrition of the child. Only this way it is possible to avoid development secondary infections and formation of ugly hems which can forever spoil appearance of your kid.

Prevention of chicken pox

At early age all healthy children have to pass through the procedure of vaccination. Inoculations of chicken pox contain the weakened causative agents of a virus therefore be not surprised if after vaccination your child has an easy form of chicken pox. It will help to avoid serious problems in the future, chicken pox at adults often has a severe form and is followed by serious complications.

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