Main > Food stuffs> Zaychatina


The zaychatena contains vitamins C, PP, B6 and B12, cobalt, potassium, iron, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus, iodine, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, zinc.


Caloric content of 100 g of a zaychatina – 182 calories. Proteins contains in it 13,5g, fats – 12,9g, saturated fatty acids-4,9, carbohydrates – 3,2g

High nutritional value of meat of a hare is explained by the fact that in it it is more proteins than in fowl, and its fat well gives in to heat treatment.

Advantage of a zaychatina

Thanks to low fat content and softness, the minimum content of sodium, meat can be included in a diet of patients with gastrointestinal diseases, a liver, the bilious ways suffering from supertension, an allergy.

The zaychatena contains lecithin and therefore meat helps to prevent atherosclerosis.

Thanks to the fact that meat of a hare dietary also supports squirrels athletes can use it, keeping to a special diet for strengthening of muscles.

It is noticed that at the regular use of a zaychatina sight improves, are recovered mucous and skin, improves a metabolism.

It is useful for that who is going to include a zaychatina in a diet for weight loss to know that it is well combined with carrots, cabbage, potatoes, fennel, rosemary. The zaychatina smell well removes a juniper.

It is noticed that by means of a zaychatina it is good to recover forces after a long illness.

Meat is useful for the elderly people feeding and pregnant women, sick children.

How to choose meat of a hare

In dietary food it is more preferable to use a young zaychatina. To define age of a hare, look at an ulna: at a young hare on it the hillock which disappears with age is probed.

For giving to meat of softness and elimination of a specific smell, in the majority of recipes it is recommended to presoak it for 10-12 hours in vinegar and water. But soaking of meat in whey will be suitable for dietary food more.

Besides nutritionists consider that for preservation of nutritional value it is better for zaychatin to prepare by parts. The young zaychatina prepares not less than 40 minutes.

Зайчатина тушеная

Contraindications to the use of a zaychatina

The zaychatina has no special contraindications, only at individual intolerance of this type of meat is it it is undesirable.

To abuse meat of a hare, as well as other types of meat do not recommend – it contains purine bases which turning into uric acid, cause gout, arthritises, are laid in joints and sinews. The surplus of uric acid can cause neuroarthritic diathesis in children.

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