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Green tea for weight loss

Green tea – a unique product which is used in the east by several millennia. Its useful properties are known to all. It prolongs life, keeping youth and mobility, has very pleasant taste and perfectly satisfies thirst. In the present also the fact that green tea helps to lose weight became known. And the problem of excess weight concerns a large number of modern people of different age and social groups.Как правильно употреблять зеленый чай для похудения

Green tea for weight loss – whether it is possible?

Green tea – one of the best means which with ease copes with excess weight. Green tea helps to lose weight practically to any person. China and Japan use it for a long time. There is a tea ceremony demonstrating as seriously residents of these countries treat this curative drink. And among the population of these Asian countries to meet stout persons very difficult. Green tea is ideal for weight loss: it promotes cleaning of an organism of toxins and slags, well regulates work of a GIT, accelerates exchange processes.

This curative drink perfectly regulates the sugar level in blood serum and which is contained in it polyphenol does not allow to pass to glucose into fat. About what caloric content of green tea can there be a speech when one cup of drink is capable to burn to 80 kcal. If to count, then drinking daily at least one cup of tea a day, in a year it is possible to lose weight by 4 kg really. And if to it to apply effective measures to weight loss, then the result will be just impressive.

Green tea tones up an organism not worse than coffee, and calories green tea contains a minimum. But pregnant women and the feeding women should take drink carefully. It is not recommended to add sugar to tea. In this case calories of green tea will increase.

Green tea for weight loss: diets

If to combine green tea for weight loss with the herbs and products capable to increase properties of drink, then the result will be even more effective. For example, the hibiscus, a hawthorn, cinnamon, flax seeds perfectly will approach green tea. They rassasyvat fats, reduce amount of cholesterol in blood, strengthen a metabolism and suppress appetite. According to reviews, green tea for weight loss together with the listed herbs gives fine effect.

Leaves of green tea for weight loss can also be accepted inside. For this purpose they need to be crushed in powder and to accept it on a half of a teaspoon three times a day during food, washing down with warm boiled water. According to reviews, the green tea for weight loss taken by this technique allows to lose body weight without use of any low-calorie diets. This method is used in China long ago.

According to recommendations of nutritionists, green tea for weight loss needs to be used as often as possible. That quicker and more effectively to lose weight, it is necessary to reduce the use of flour products, sweets and to put emphasis in food on a large number of vegetables and fruit. It is desirable to replace fried meat boiled.Мнения специалистов о том, как зеленый чай помогает похудеть

After two weeks when using in a diet of green tea, the organism gradually begins to get rid of excessive weight. Right at the beginning there is a cleaning and removal of excess liquid. After that process of combustion of fat begins. Diets with use of green tea are good the fact that the person begins to get used to normal food. Caloric content of green tea is almost equal to zero, and contents in it useful substances rather big.

Use of green tea in cosmetology

Useful properties of green tea are recognized as official sources and traditional medicine. All known world companies on production of cosmetics use useful properties of green tea for production of various creams.

At loss of weight skin begins to lose elasticity. Therefore cosmetologists recommend to wash green tea in the mornings and in the evening. That the area of a neck and a decollete had a beautiful appearance, it is necessary to wipe them with ice cubes from green tea. Also such wipings promote removal of various rashes on a face. Thus, you can use green tea for weight loss and care of the skin, and also for the general improvement of an organism, its cleaning of slags and toxins.

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