Brain gliomatosis - a rare kind of a diffusion glial tumor, widely infiltriruyushchy a brain, involving two and more shares (quite often bilateralno) and often extending infratentorialno. The term is entered into use in 1938 and since then in literature about 200 cases are described. Despite active researches of this disease and scientific searches whether to these remains неясныям the gliomatosis a form of a diffusion and infiltrative glioma is or is an independent pathological syndrome.
Gliomatosis symptoms:
Symptoms and displays of a disease at people with a gliomatosis of a brain are not specific. Interestingly also the fact that despite extensiveness of involvement of zones of a brain in diffusion and infiltrative process, manifestations and signs are often minimum.
The interval from the beginning of symptoms (clinical manifestations) before diagnosis varies of several days to 23kh years. The most frequent clinical manifestations of this zaboleniye are kortikospinalny deficit (pyramidal frustration) of 53%, dementia of 44%, гол.боль 39%, attacks of 38%, cranial neuropathy of 37%, intracranial hypertensia of 34%, changes of the mental status of 20%, touch deficit or paresthesias of 18%.
Treatment of a gliomatosis:
Treatment comes down to radiation of a brain and, in certain cases, to chemotherapy.