Alcoholic encephalopathy
- Description
- Symptoms Alcoholic encephalopathy
- Reasons Alcoholic encephalopathy
- Treatment Alcoholic encephalopathy
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see also:
- Atherosclerotic encephalopathy of Binswanger
- Encephalopathy
- Hepatic encephalopathy
- Distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy
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Alcoholic encephalopathy – a severe form of the alcoholic psychosis developing generally in the third stage of alcoholism. In fact, it is group of several diseases combined by a similar clinical picture and an origin.

The brain is normal (on the right), a brain at alcoholic encephalopathy (at the left)
Symptoms Alcoholic encephalopathy:
This disease is characterized by a complex combination of neurologic and somatic manifestations with mental symptoms which are on the first place in a disease picture. Depending on the speed of development and disease distinguish acute and chronic types of alcoholic encephalopathy, but between them there can be also transitional forms.
Quite often approach of a disease arises in spring months when the lack of all vitamins is noted. This state aggravates also that patients during hard drinking practically do not eat food at all. Besides, they in general have a disgust for food which is often accompanied with nausea, vomiting, an eructation, heartburn, abdominal pains. Very often there are locks which are replaced by ponosa. Catastrophic weight reduction of a body is caused. Patients do not sleep neither in the afternoon, nor at night. Are noted feeling of crawling of goosebumps in various parts of a body (paresthesia), and also spasm in extremities, the general weakness. Coordination of movements is broken, is frequent – dizziness and trembling of all body. Often, especially at night, attacks of a fever or heat with perspiration, increase of heartbeat, feeling of shortage of air and unpleasant feelings in heart appear. In different parts of a body there are cryesthesias, numbness, an ache, pains.
For all encephalopathies the certain previous or prodromal stage which lasts from two – three weeks up to one year and more at which the listed above symptoms gradually accrue is noted.
Reasons Alcoholic encephalopathy:
At persons with alcoholic encephalopathy different abuse of alcoholic substitutes is noted in the anamnesis. These persons are more often than others got to toxicological and narcological departments with alcoholic poisonings and a tremens earlier. Practically at all these patients different disturbances from internals connected with alcohol were noted earlier. Often approach of clinic of encephalopathy was preceded by multi-day or even months-long alcoholism.
Treatment Alcoholic encephalopathy:
Treatment: injections of 10 — 20 ml of 5% of solution of B1 vitamin daily depending on weight of a condition of the patient during 1 — 3 week with the subsequent gradual reduction of a dose. B12 vitamin on 1000 mkg daily in injections during 1 — 2 week also with the subsequent reduction of doses. Along with it it is necessary to enter B6 vitamin (on 2 — 3 ml daily), ascorbic and nicotinic acids, Rutinum. For stimulation of processes of exchange it is reasonable to appoint anabolic steroid drugs, for example, nerobolil on 1 ml of 2,5% of solution intramusculary once a week. Carry out dehydrational therapy.