DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Neurology Hypothyroid encephalopathy

Hypothyroid encephalopathy


Hypothyroid encephalopathy is the mental and nervous disturbances connected first of all with a hypothyroidism.

Схематическое изображение щитовидной железы человека

Schematic image of a thyroid gland of the person

Symptoms of Hypothyroid encephalopathy:

Various extent of mental disturbances occurs at many patients with a hypothyroidism, and sometimes mental disturbances dominate in clinic of a disease. Slackness, apathy, a memory impairment, indifference to surrounding is observed, the attention, sharpness of perception decreases, appears "tugodumy". Patients are disturbed by the increased drowsiness. At it is long the existing hypothyroidism considerable disturbances of mentality up to psychosis (a prosecution mania, an acute and chronic maniacal state, etc.) are possible. The hypothyroidism is one of the frequent reasons of development of dementia. Symptoms of mental disturbances develop gradually and slowly progress. They can precede somatic and neuromuscular symptoms of a disease. At 3-5% of patients with a hypothyroidism the acute psychoses reminding schizophrenia and maniac-depressive psychosis develop. Constant or migrenepodobny headaches are also observed at these patients. They are connected with passing hypostasis of covers of a brain.

Reasons of Hypothyroid encephalopathy:

This type of encephalopathy is connected with a lack of hormones of a thyroid gland.

Treatment of Hypothyroid encephalopathy:

All specified signs usually completely regress at correction of a hypothyroidism.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Hypothyroid encephalopathy:

  • Препарат Винпоцетин.


    Means the improving brain blood stream.

    LLC MTs Ellara Rossiya

  • Сайт детского здоровья