DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Neurology Distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy

Distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy


The Distsirkulyatorny Encephalopathy (DE) — slowly progressing insufficiency of blood supply of a brain leading to the accruing diffusion structural changes with disturbance of brain functions. It is shown by multifocal disorder of functions of a brain.

Symptoms of Distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy:

Usually functional neurodynamic symptoms are shown at the first stages of a disease of clinic of a neurasthenia. Further organic psychological defect with a dysmnesia, emotions, motivation, inclinations progresses.

Complaints of neurosis-like character include bystry fatigue, irritability, absent-mindedness of attention, decrease in memory, headaches at an intellectual and physical tension. The symptomatology accrues in the second half of day, after sleepless night, a business trip and so forth.

It is remarkable that assessment by the patient of decrease in the working capacity does not match the positive characteristic of employees. The asthenic syndrome can regress at long rest, treatment, change of a situation at work or in a family — even for long term.

The main criterion of the second stage of a disease is deepening of psychological defect — insufficiently critical relation to the state, revaluation of the opportunities and working capacity. Transition from a condition of uncertainty in itself to attempts to see "the objective reasons", "intrigues" of people around in the failures is characteristic. At such patients sharp narrowing of volume of perception, a bystry exhaustion, refusal of performance of a task, replacement with its easier primitive forms is noted. Qualitatively also the type of response to a disease changes, hypochiondrial tendencies appear.

Decrease in indicators on a scale of "quality of life" demonstrates professional disadaptation.

Reasons of Distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy:

For the main reasons allocate the following types of distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy:

    * atherosclerotic (the main vessels of the head suffer more often),
    * hypertensive,
    * mixed,
    * venous,
    * owing to other reasons (vegeto-vascular dystonia, rheumatism, defeats of vessels of various etiology, system hemodynamic frustration, diseases of blood and others).

In practice in development of distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and their combination have the greatest etiological value.

Treatment of Distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy:

The main directions of therapy of slowly progressing insufficiency of cerebral circulation consist of several stages: strengthening of a brain blood-groove and metabolism of brain fabric, stopping of neurotic phenomena, normalization of a dream, restriction of an intellectual and exercise stress, exception of stressful influences, normalization of working conditions and rest.

From medicamentous drugs wide circulation niacin drugs (Nicospanum, пикамилон, ksantinol-nikotinat), antigipoksant (эмоксипин, alpha tocopherol, glyutaminovy acid) find, nootropic drugs (Encephabolum, Cerebrolysinum, piracetam, Pantogamum, group B vitamins), blockers of calcium channels (нимодипин, флунаризин, nifedipine). Repeated courses of vasoactive and metabolic therapy 2-3 times a year are reasonable. Psychotherapeutic conversations, an autogenic training, selection of a balanced diet, moderate exercise stresses, walks in the fresh air, work on the seasonal dacha are necessary for the patient. At increase of psychopathological symptoms consultation of the psychoneurologist is necessary.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy:

  • Препарат Мексибел.


    Drugs for treatment of diseases of a nervous system.

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus


  • Препарат Мексидол.


    Antioxidant means.

    CJSC ZIO-Zdorovye Russia


  • Препарат Мексидол.


    Antioxidant means.

    CJSC ZIO-Zdorovye Russia


  • Препарат Этоксидол.


    Antioxidant means.

    JSC Sintez Russia

  • Препарат Курантил® 25/N25/N75.

    Курантил® 25/N25/N

    Vazodilatiruyushchy means.

    Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini Group (Berlin-Hemi AG/Menarini Group) Germany

  • Препарат Гинкофар.


    Antigipoksantny means.

    Biofarm Ltd Biofarm Ltd, Poland

  • Препарат Циннаризин.


    Blocker of "slow" calcium channels.

    Actavis Ltd. (Aktavis Ltd.) Switzerland

  • Препарат Вазавитал.


    The means applied at dementia.


  • Препарат Винпоцетин таб. 0,005 №50.

    Vinpocetine таб. 0,005 No.

    The means improving cerebral circulation.

    CJSC Pharmproyekt Russia

  • Препарат Нейрокс.


    Antioxidant means.

    CJSC Pharmfirma Soteks Russia

  • Препарат Гинкго Билоба.

    Ginkgo of Biloba

    Angioprotektorny means of a plant origin.

    CJSC Verteks Russia

  • Препарат Мексибел.


    Psychoanaleptic means. Psychostimulants and nootropa.

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Дипиридамол.


    Vazodilatiruyushchy means.


  • Препарат Билобил Форте 80 мг.

    Bilobil Forte of 80 mg

    Angioprotektorny means of a plant origin.

    Krka Russia

  • Препарат Гинкофар форте.

    Ginkofar forte

    Antigipoksantny means.

    Biofarm Ltd Biofarm Ltd, Poland

  • Препарат Пентоксифиллин 0,2%.

    Pentoksifillin of 0,2%

    The drug improving microcirculation. Vasoprotective

    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Церебролизат.


    Nootropic drugs.

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Мексикор.


    Antioxidant means.

    LLC Ekofarminvest Russia

  • Препарат Вессел Дуэ Ф.

    Wessel Due F

    Anticoagulating means of direct action.

    Alfa-Wassermann S.p.A. (Alpha Wasserman S. of the item. A) Italy

  • Препарат Цинаризин-ЛХ таб.0,025 № 50.

    Tsinarizin-LH tab.0,025 No.

    The means operating on a nervous system.

    CJSC Lekhim-Kharkiv Ukraine

  • Сайт детского здоровья