
Code of automatic telephone exchange: B01AC07
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 25 mg, 50 mg or 75 mg of Dipiridamolum in 1 tablet.
Auxiliary components: sugar milk (lactose), Kollidon VA64 (кополивидон), magnesium stearate, cellulose microcrystallic, sodium of a kroskarmeloz (primelloz), gidroksipropilmetiltsellyuloz (gipromelloz), talc (silicon dioxide colloid), titanium dioxide, twin-80 (polysorbate), quinolinic yellow E104.
Effective drug for lifelong use in cardiology and angiology.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Dipiridamolum exerts the braking impact on aggregation of thrombocytes, improves microcirculation. Possesses vasodilating action.
As derivative a pyrimidine, it dipiridamolyavlyatsya by the inductor of interferon and has the modulating effect on functional activity of system of interferon, the alpha (a) and scale (g) leukocytes of in vitro blood raises reduced products of interferon.
Dipiridamolpovyshayet nonspecific antiviral resistance to viral infections.
Pharmacokinetics. The maximum concentration of Dipiridamolum in plasma is reached within 1 hour after intake. Dipiridamolum almost completely contacts blood proteins. Accumulation of Dipiridamolum happens in cardiomyocytes and in erythrocytes. Dipiridamolum is metabolized in a liver by linkng with glucuronic acid.
ериод semi-removal makes 20-30 minutes in the first phase, in the second phase – about 10 h. Cumulation is possible (preferential at patients with the broken function of a liver). It is removed with bile in the form of a monoglucuronide.
Indications to use:
Treatment and prevention of disturbances of cerebral circulation on ischemic type, distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy.
Prevention of arterial and venous thromboses and their complications, prevention of a thromboembolism after operation of prosthetics of valves of heart.
Prevention of placental insufficiency at the complicated pregnancy.
As a part of complex therapy at any disturbances of microcirculation.
As the inductor of interferon and an immunomodulator for prevention and treatment of flu, a SARS.
Route of administration and doses:
If the doctor it is not appointed differently, the following modes of dosing are recommended:
For reduction of aggregation of thrombocytes Dipiridimol in a dose is recommended to use 75–225 mg/days in stages. In hard cases the dose can be increased to 600 mg/days.
For prevention of a thromboembolic syndrome, thrombosing of a stent and aortocoronary shunts - in the first day on 50 mg together with ASK, then on 100 mg, frequency rate of reception - 4 times a day (cancel in 7 days after operation on condition of continuation of reception of ASK in a dose 325 mg/days) or on 100 mg 4 times a day during 2 days before operation and 100 mg in 1 h after operation (in need of a combination with warfarin).
For prevention of flu and other acute respiratory diseases, especially in the period of epidemics to accept according to the following scheme: on 50 mg/days of 1 times in 7 days within 4-5 weeks.
For prevention of a recurrence, at the patients who often have respiratory viral infections, Dipiridamolum is recommended to be accepted according to the scheme: 100 mg/days (2 times on 50 mg at an interval of the 2nd hour) once a week within 8 - 10 weeks.
Features of use:
Dipiridamolum is recommended to be accepted on an empty stomach, without chewing a tablet, coated, washing down with a small amount of liquid.
Side effects:
Heartbeat, bradycardia, thrombocytopenia, change of functional properties of thrombocytes, bleedings, feeling of a congestion of an ear, noise in the head, arthritis. Developing of vomiting, diarrhea, epigastric pains, and also such symptoms as weakness, dizziness, nausea, a headache, a mialgiya, rhinitis is possible. Usually these side effects disappear at prolonged use Dipiridamolum.
As a result of potential vasodilating action Dipiridamolum in high doses can cause arterial hypotension, a feeling of "inflows" and tachycardia, a syndrome of coronary burglarizing (at doses more than 225 mg a day).
Reactions of hypersensitivity as rash or urticaria are possible.
At emergence of side effects it is necessary to report about it to the doctor.
Interaction with other medicines:
Ksantinovy derivatives (coffee, tea) can weaken vasodilating and antitrombotichesky action Dipiridamolum. Use Dipiridamolum along with direct and indirect anticoagulants (heparin) and trombolitikam or acetylsalicylic acid increases risk of development of hemorrhagic complications that it is necessary to consider when sharing.
Dipiridamolum can strengthen effect of hypotensive drugs.
Dipiridamolum can weaken anticholinergic properties of inhibitors of cholinesterase.
Anti-aggregate action at reception of antibiotics of cephalosporins (цефамандол, цефаперазон, цефатетан), antibiotics of a penicillinic row, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, beta lactams, niacin amplifies.
Antacids reduce the maximum concentration because of decrease in absorption.
· The acute myocardial infarction, unstable stenocardia widespread the stenosing atherosclerosis of coronary arteries.
· Subaortal stenosis of an aorta
· Dekompensirovanny heart failure
· Hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
· Arterial hypotension and hypertensia
· Heavy disturbances of a cordial rhythm
· Hemorrhagic diathesis
· Diseases with tendency to bleedings (a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum, etc.)
· Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
· Liver and/or renal failure
· Hypersensitivity to drug components.
The lactation period, children's age (up to 12 years – lack of sufficient experience).
Symptoms: short-term hypotension.
Treatment: symptomatic (including maintaining angiotonic agents).
Storage conditions:
List B. In the dry place protected from light at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity: 2 years. Not to use after expiry date.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets, coated, on 20, 50 or 75 mg. On 10 tablets, coated, in a blister strip packaging. On 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 12 blister strip packagings together with the application instruction in a pack from a cardboard.