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Prevention of a SARS


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It is necessary to begin with the most usual, simple, so necessary for health — to breathe clean fresh air. It is reached by systematic airing of the apartment and room where there is a child. It is useful to sleep at an open window leaf, but to avoid drafts. It is necessary to make often walks in the fresh air, in parks, squares. It is more and more often to happen in the wood. Walking with the correct regulation of breath strengthens lung ventilation, improves the blood circulatory system, tempers a children's organism.

During mass spread of respiratory infections it is recommended to visit less often places of big accumulation of people (cinema, theaters, supermarkets), and to go more on foot.

Today it is already proved that the only method of specific prevention of flu is vaccination. Introduction to an organism of a vaccine cannot cause a disease, but by development of protective antibodys stimulates immune system for fight against an infection. The structure of modern vaccines annually changes according to virus mutations for the maximum coincidence to the circulating strains and protects at the same time from three types of a virus in 90% of cases.

Immunological efficacy from flu it is incomparable above all nonspecific medical supplies which need to be accepted within several months: immunostimulators, vitamins, homeopathic remedies.

Specialists are unanimous that vaccines still remain the first line of defense in prevention of flu.

For individual prevention of flu and a SARS it is possible to use 0,25% oxolinic ointment. Also for this purpose it is possible to use viferonovy ointment.  Grease with it mucous membranes of the nasal courses several times a day. It reduces probability of a disease in 2 and more times. Efficiency of ointment increases if to put it before an exit from the house and just before contact with the patient.

Highly effective preventive and remedy at flu and a SARS leukocytic interferon possesses. It has no contraindications to use and has no side effects, 3 times a day on 3-4 drops are dug in or sprayed in a nose.

For individual prevention of flu A,  apply Remantadinum (on 1 tablet within 20-30 days once a day). It helps also at primary symptoms of a disease of flu. Delay with an initiation of treatment of all for days reduces drug value almost twice, and in two days it is already almost useless.

A reliable ally in fight against flu is vitamin C which during the maximum rise in incidence is accepted for the purpose of prevention on 0,5 g a day by 10-12 days.

At all catarrhal diseases dogrose tincture helps. A daily dose of 5-6 tbsps of berries on a liter thermos. Such polyvitaminic infusion increases body resistance and accelerates recovery.

You should not refuse such folk remedies as onions and garlic checked for centuries. They are rubbed on a small grater and inhaled couple 2-4 times pass 10-15 min. within 10-15 days. At a flu epidemic with the preventive purpose apply garlic infusion (2-3 cloves small rub, fill in 40-50 g of boiled water, insist 2-3 hours and dig in 2-3 drops in each nostril. In 2 days infusion is changed). And in general, as prophylactic during a flu epidemic it is useful to eat onions and garlic daily.

So, a lot of things depend on parents. You watch a day regimen of the child. Not to ache with flu, it is necessary:

— to observe the mode of study and rest, not to overtire, to happen more in the fresh air, to sleep sufficient time, to eat regularly and fully;

— to do morning exercises and rubdown by cool water, to go in for physical culture;

— at a disease of relatives whenever possible to isolate them to the certain room.

And if the child after all got sick, it is necessary to put him to bed at once and to call the doctor on the house. Before its arrival it is possible to give 1 tablet of paracetamol and tea with raspberry, lime color, honey or infusion of a dogrose. In the period of a disease, especially if it is followed by high temperature, plentiful drink of infusions and broths from the specified plants is recommended.

The used drugs:

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