Мульти-табс® Immuno Plus

Producer: Ferrosan A/S (Ferrosan And / C) Denmark
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A11AA01
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Tablets | 1 tab. (780 mg) |
Lactobacillus GG | 109, WHICH |
vitamin A (Retinolum acetate) | 2666 ME (about 800 mkg) |
vitamin D (колекальциферол) | 200 ME (about 5 mkg) |
vitamin E (D-α-токоферола acetate) | 14,9 ME (about 10 mg) |
B1 vitamin (thiamin nitrate) | 1,4 mg |
B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum) | 1,6 mg |
B6 vitamin (pyridoxine hydrochloride) | 2 mg |
B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine) | 1 mkg |
niacinamide | 18 mg |
pantothenic acid | 6 mg |
folic acid | 200 mkg |
vitamin C (ascorbic acid) | 60 mg |
iron (gland fumarates) | 14 mg |
zinc (zinc oxide) | 15 mg |
manganese (manganese sulfate) | 2,5 mg |
magnesium (magnesium oxide) | 90 mg |
chrome (chrome chloride) | 50 mkg |
selenium (sodium selenate) | 50 mkg |
iodine (potassium iodide) | 150 mkg |
excipients: MKTs (E460); calcium phosphate (E341); corn starch; magnesium stearate (E470); kroskarmelloz (E468); gelatin; silicon dioxide (E551); stearic acid (E570); glycerin (E422); to atsesulfa (E950) |
Pharmacological properties:
Vitamin and mineral complex with a probiotic. The means regulating metabolic processes.
Biological properties of the combined drug containing a probiotic are defined by properties of the components which are its part.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) - a pro-biotic strain of lactobacilli, supports and regulates physiological balance of intestinal microflora, brakes an attachment of pathogenic bacteriums to a mucous membrane of intestines and, thanks to this property, LGG prevents settling of a mucous membrane of digestive tract pathogenic bacteriums. LGG, developing metabolism products, growth of pathogenic bacteriums oppresses, without slowing down at the same time growth of useful lactobacilli. LGG promotes additional protection of system of digestion, strengthening production of secretory immunoglobulin A in an intestines gleam. Besides, combined action of vitamins, minerals and lactobacilli of LGG in general promotes strengthening of a host defense of an organism and formation of an adequate immune response.
Vitamin A (Retinolum)
Is the most important component of antioxidant protection of an organism. Plays a role in formation of immune system, increases body resistance to various infections. Vitamin A participates in formation of a skeleton, is necessary for creation of epithelial fabric. At insufficiency of vitamin A there comes disorder of dark adaptation (twilight sight).
D3 vitamin (колекальциферол)
Raises and strengthens immunity, it is necessary for functioning of a thyroid gland and normal coagulability of blood. Supports the level of inorganic phosphorus and calcium in plasma and increases absorption of calcium in a small bowel, preventing development osteosinging.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Matters for functioning of immunocompetent blood cells, promotes increase in body resistance to various infections. Plays an important role in formation of the protein called by collagen which makes a considerable part of material of connecting fabrics, bones, cartilages, teeth and skin.
Ascorbic acid promotes absorption of inorganic iron from a digestive tract. Besides, has antioxidant properties.
Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol)
Is the most important component of system of antioxidant protection of an organism: slows down development of free radical reactions, prevents formation of the peroxides damaging cellular and subcellular membranes that is important for development of an organism, normal function of nervous and muscular systems. Together with selenium slows down oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids (a component of microsomal system of transfer of electrons), prevents hemolysis of erythrocytes. Is a cofactor of some fermental systems.
B1 vitamin (thiamin)
One of the most important vitamins B energy balance. Is a necessary component of carbohydrate metabolism as a coenzyme component for decarboxylation of ketonic acids; plays an important role also in proteinaceous and a lipometabolism, exerts impact on carrying out nervous excitement in cholinergic synapses.
B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum)
Participates in utilization of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, it is irreplaceable in processes of growth of an organism. B2 vitamin regulates a condition of the central and peripheral nervous system, positively influences sight.
Has metabolic effect; regulating oxidation-reduction processes, takes part in tissue respiration.
B6 vitamin (pyridoxine)
Participates in synthesis of nucleic acids, regulates phosphorus-calcium exchange, improves function of a liver, participates in a hemopoiesis. Is important for normal function of the central and peripheral nervous system.
B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine)
It is necessary for normal functioning of a nervous system, improves concentration of attention and memory. Stimulates an erythrogenesis.
Folic acid
Participates in various metabolic processes. It is necessary for maturing of megaloblasts and formation of normoblasts. Stimulates an erythrogenesis, participates in synthesis of amino acids (including glycine, methionine), nucleic acids, purines, pyrimidines, in exchange of sincaline, a histidine.
Participates in oxidation-reduction processes in a cell, stabilizes processes of tissue respiration. Plays a role in fatty and carbohydrate metabolism and metabolism of amino acids.
Pantothenic acid (in the form of pantothenate calcium)
Pantothenic acid is a part of coenzyme A, playing an important role in processes of acetylation and oxidation, participates in carbohydrate and a lipometabolism, in synthesis of acetylcholine and steroid hormones. Improves power ensuring sokratitelny function of a myocardium, accelerates regeneration processes.
Is of great importance in regulation of sokratitelny function and ensuring electric stability of cells of a myocardium. Participates in synthesis of neuropeptids of a brain and is responsible for signaling of braking to peripheral nerves and muscles.
Participates in hemopoiesis processes.
At a combination to iron in addition stimulates a hemopoiesis. Is a part of a large amount of enzymes of an organism. Zinc insufficiency is associated with low-tallness, decrease in immunity, increase in incidence.
Manganese stimulates synthesis of immunoglobulins and also is a component of the superoxide scavenger playing an important role in protection of an organism against harmful effects of peroxide radicals.
Participates in insulin synthesis process.
Stabilizes cellular membranes, interacts with active forms of oxygen, free radicals. Reduces quantity of products of peroxide oxidation of lipids.
Selenium - is a part of fermental system - glutathione peroxidases, protecting biological membranes from the damaging action of free radicals.
One of the main functions of iodine is participation in formation of hormones of a thyroid gland (thyroxine, triiodothyronine). Hormones of a thyroid gland which basis is made by iodine perform the vital functions: regulate activity of a brain, a nervous system, sexual and mammary glands, growth and development of an organism.
Indications to use:
— prevention of acute respiratory infections, including virus, especially in the period of the increased epidemic danger;
— prevention and treatment hypo - and avitaminosis, and also deficit of mineral substances;
— maintenance of balance of intestinal microflora;
— prevention of decrease in local and general immunity at treatment by antibiotics and some other medicines;
— increase in adaptation opportunities of an organism;
— during recovery after the postponed diseases, including infectious.
Route of administration and doses:
To children since 12 years and the adult - on 1 tablet a day. To accept along with meal or right after it.
Features of use:
During reception of Multi-tabs® Immuno Plus is not recommended reception of other polyvitaminic drugs for the purpose of prevention of overdose. It is not necessary to exceed the specified daily dose.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions at individual intolerance of components of drug are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
There are no data.
Individual intolerance of components of drug.
At use in the recommended doses symptoms of overdose were not observed.
Storage conditions:
To hoanit drug in the dry place at a temperature not above 25 °C. Transportation - at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablets: 30, 60, 90 or 100 pieces.