
Producer: JSC Pharmstandart Russia
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Structure on 1 tablet ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1, % of ATN
Vitamin C * (ascorbic acid) of 200 mg (286%), Rutinum of 30 mg (100%), vitamin E * (α-tocopherol acetate) 15 mg (150%), zinc (in the form of zinc sernokislogo7-water) 12 mg (80%), niacinamide of 8 mg (40%), B2 vitamin * (Riboflavinum) of 5 mg (278%), B6 vitamin * (a pyridoxine a hydrochloride) 5 mg (250%), calcium pantothenate of 5 mg (100%), B1 vitamin * (thiamin a hydrochloride) 4 mg (267%), lipoic acid (thioctic acid) of 3 mg (10%), manganese * (in the form of manganese of sulfate 5-water) 2,5 mg (125%), Luteinum of 0,5 mg (10%), folic acid * 400 mkg (200%), vitamin A (Retinolum acetate) 0,17 mg (500 ME) (17%), selenium (in the form of selenit sodium) 50 mkg (71%), B12 vitamin * (cyanocobalamine) of 6 mkg (200%), D3 vitamin (колекальциферол) 5 mkg (200 ME) (100%).
Structure on 1 tablet ЦИКЛОВИТА® 2, % of ATN
Vitamin C * (ascorbic acid) of 250 mg (357%), vitamin E * (α-tocopherol acetate) 40 mg (400%), Rutinum of 15 mg (50%), niacinamide of 5 mg (25%), zinc (in the form of zinc of sulfate 7-water) 4 mg (27%), calcium pantothenate of 2,5 mg (50%), lipoic acid (thioctic acid) of 2,5 mg (8,3%), B6 vitamin (a pyridoxine a hydrochloride) 1,5 mg (75%), Luteinum of 1,25 mg (25%), copper (in the form of citrate copper) 1 mg (100%), B1 vitamin (thiamin a hydrochloride) 1 mg (67%), B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum) of 1 mg (56%), manganese (in the form of manganese of sulfate 5-water) 0,6 mg (30%), vitamin A (Retinolum acetate) 0,57 mg (1650 ME) (57%), folic acid of 200 mkg (100%), iodine (in the form of Natrii iodidum) 75 mkg (50%), selenium (in the form of selenit sodium) 27,5 mkg (39%), D3 vitamin (колекальциферол) 2,5 mkg (100 ME) (50%), B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine) of 1,5 mkg (50%).
Excipients: sugar, starch, kaolin (Е 559), titanium dioxide (Е 171), arabic gum (Е 414), shellac, polyvinylpirrolidone (Е 1201), talc (Е 553), citric acid (Е 330), calcium stearate (Е 470), dye quinolinic yellow (Е 104), Sunset dye (Е 110), dye indigo carmine (Е 132), beeswax.
Pharmacological properties:
ЦИКЛОВИТА® is the dietary supplement to food developed by the largest Russian pharmaceutical company "Pharmstandart". Is a source of 12 vitamins, 5 minerals, Rutinum and Luteinum. This vitamin and mineral complex is created specially taking into account cyclic changes in an organism of the woman and the related changes in the need for vitamins and microelements in different phases of a menstrual cycle. Action ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1 and ЦИКЛОВИТА® 2 is caused by effects of the components which are their part.
Compatibility of the components which are a part ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1 and ЦИКЛОВИТА® 2 is provided with special technology.
Enter into composition of the ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1 and ЦИКЛОВИТА® 2 dietary supplement:
Vitamin A (Retinolum acetate) is necessary for growth of bones, synthesis of steroid hormones, normal reproductive function, embryonic development, for regulation of division and a differentiation of an epithelium. Participates in formation of the rhodopsins necessary for twilight and color sight.
B1 vitamin (thiamin a hydrochloride) plays an important role in proteinaceous, carbohydrate and a lipometabolism, and also in processes of carrying out nervous excitement. Protects membranes of cells from toxic influence of products of peroxide oxidation. Normalizes activity of endocrine system, and also a cardiovascular, central and peripheral nervous system.
B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum) regulates oxidation-reduction processes, participates in tissue respiration, carbohydrate, proteinaceous and fatty exchanges, and also in synthesis of hemoglobin and erythropoetin. It is necessary for maintenance of normal visual function, and also normal intestinal microflora. Possesses gonadotropic action, participates in exchange of estrogen.
B6 vitamin (a pyridoxine a hydrochloride) participates in a metabolism; it is necessary for normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. Promotes increase in absorption of magnesium in intestines and exponentiates its pharmacological effects. Fills shortage of a pyridoxine which can arise against the background of reception of oral contraceptives and others it is oestrogenic - the containing drugs. Deficit of a pyridoxine is risk factor of development of a premenstrual syndrome (PMS) as it plays an important role in metabolism of tryptophane, serotonin and piperidic acid (GAMK) which shortcoming can lead to development of PMS. The lack of a pyridoxine can also lead to emergence of deficit of progesterone.
B12 vitamin (cyanocobalamine) is necessary for formation of desoxyribose and DNA, creatine, methionine, a lipotropic factor – sincaline. B12 vitamin participates in formation of the myelin forming a cover of nerve fibrils. It is necessary for a normal hemopoiesis - promotes maturing of erythrocytes, and also increases resistance of erythrocytes to hemolysis. Reduces concentration of cholesterol in blood. Exerts beneficial effect on function of a liver and a nervous system. B12 vitamin plays a key role in processes of an ovulation therefore it is especially important to provide its sufficient consumption in the first phase of a menstrual cycle.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) participates in regulation of oxidation-reduction processes, carbohydrate metabolism, coagulability of blood, an angenesis; increases resistance of an organism to infections, reduces permeability of a vascular wall. Due to activation of respiratory enzymes in a liver strengthens its disintoxication and belkovoobrazovatelny functions. Vitamin C plays an important role in maintenance of the hormonal status of an organism, participating in synthesis of steroid hormones. At deficit of progesterone in the second (lyuteinovy) phase of a menstrual cycle ascorbic acid promotes recovery of its level.
Vitamin E (α-tocopherol acetate) possesses antioxidant action: slows down reactions of free oxidation of radicals and unsaturated fatty acids, prevents formation of the peroxides damaging cellular membranes. It is necessary for synthesis of sex hormones, normalizes a ratio of progesterone and oestradiol that is especially important in the second phase of a menstrual cycle.
Kolekaltsiferol (D3 vitamin) participates in regulation calcium - phosphorus exchange, increases absorbability of calcium in intestines and a reabsorption of phosphates in kidneys. Promotes a mineralization of bones, formation of a bone skeleton and teeth, it is necessary for normal functioning of epithelial bodies.
Niacinamide (RR vitamin) participates in metabolism of fats, proteins, amino acids, purines, tissue respiration, a glycogenolysis. Has antipellagric effect.
Luteinum – the pigment relating to group of oxygen-containing carotinoids. It is necessary for normal functioning of a retina of an eye. Protects eyes from the damage arising owing to influence of ultra-violet light is a component of antioxidant system of a retina. Luteinum collects in granulosa cells of an ovary and participates in process of formation of a yellow body.
Folic acid participates in synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids, purines, pyrimidines, in exchange of sincaline, a histidine, stimulates a hemopoiesis. Possesses gonadotropic action, participates in exchange of estrogen.
Calcium pantothenate plays an important role in processes of acetylation and oxidation, participates in carbohydrate and a lipometabolism. It is necessary for synthesis of steroid hormones.
Lipoic acid (thioctic acid) plays an important role in power balance of an organism, participates in regulation of lipidic and carbohydrate exchanges, renders lipotropic and antioxidant effect, influences cholesterol exchange, improves function of a liver, also improves a trophicity of nervous cells.
Rutinum has angioprotektorny effect: reduces the speed of filtering of water in capillaries and their permeability for proteins. With venous insufficiency, a lymphostasis reduces hypostasis of the lower extremities.
Selenium - the microelement which is a part of all cells of an organism. Provides antioxidant protection of cellular membranes, strengthens effect of vitamin E. Plays an important role in maintenance of the hormonal status of an organism, participating in metabolism of thyroid hormones.
Copper promotes antioxidant protection of cells, warns anemia and air hunger of bodies and fabrics, promotes decrease in risk of development of osteoporosis. It is necessary for synthesis of collagen and elastin; strengthens walls of vessels.
Manganese plays an important role in metabolism of a cell, is a part of an active center of many enzymes, participates in protection of an organism against harmful effects of peroxide radicals.
Iodine participates in lipidic and protein metabolism; it is necessary for normal function of a thyroid gland and synthesis of the thyroid hormones participating in maintenance of the hormonal status of an organism, including reproductive function.
Zinc is a part of the main enzymes, participates in various biochemical reactions. Stimulates processes of regeneration of skin and growth of hair, and also has immunomodulatory effect. Zinc is necessary for synthesis and secretion of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones of a hypophysis.
Indications to use:
ЦИКЛОВИТА® it is recommended as dietary supplement to food – an additional source of vitamins A, C, D, E, groups B (B1, B2, B6, B12, calcium of pantothenate, niacinamide, folic acid), lipoic acid, mineral elements (selenium, copper, manganese, iodine, zinc), Rutinum and Luteinum for women of reproductive age.
Route of administration and doses:
Inside, during food, washing down with plentiful amount of liquid.
Reception duration - 1 month. If necessary repeated receptions are possible.
The recommended scheme of reception:
- ÛêèïÄéêÆÇ® 1 – in the first phase of a menstrual cycle (during the period from 1st to the 14th day of the 1st day of periods), on 1 tablet a day;
- ÛêèïÄéêÆÇ® 2 – in the second phase of a menstrual cycle (during the period from the 15th to the 28th day of the 1st day of periods), on 2 tablets a day (on 1 tablet in the morning and in the evening).
At a regular menstrual cycle lasting 28 days it is necessary to accept ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1 from the 1st day of a menstrual cycle within 14 days to the middle of a cycle, then to accept ЦИКЛОВИТА® 2 during the next 14 days; with approach of the following menstrual cycle, without interruption, to begin reception ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1.
At a regular menstrual cycle lasting less than 28 days it is necessary to accept ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1 from the 1st day of a menstrual cycle to the middle of a cycle then to pass to reception ЦИКЛОВИТА® 2; with approach of the following menstrual cycle to begin reception ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1.
At a regular menstrual cycle lasting more than 28 days it is necessary to accept ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1 from the 1st day of a menstrual cycle within 14 days, then to accept ЦИКЛОВИТА® 2 during the next 14 days then to take a break in reception of dietary supplement and to start a new course of reception ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1 from the 1st day of the following menstrual cycle.
In the absence of regular periods it is necessary to accept ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1 from the 1st day of a menstrual cycle within 14 days then to pass to reception ЦИКЛОВИТА® 2 during the next 14 days, then to pass to the following course of reception ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1 and ЦИКЛОВИТА® 2 without interruption.
Features of use:
Before use it is recommended to consult with the doctor.
Side effects:
There are no data.
Interaction with other medicines:
There are no data.
Individual intolerance of components, pregnancy, feeding by a breast.
There are no data.
Storage conditions:
In the place, dry, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablets weighing 850 mg.
On 14 tablets in a blister strip packaging, one blister strip packaging of dietary supplement "ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1" and two blister strip packagings of dietary supplement "ЦИКЛОВИТА® 2" place in a pack; or on 14 tablets dietary supplements "ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1" and on 28 tablets dietary supplements "ЦИКЛОВИТА® 2" in banks polymeric, to one dietary supplement bank "ЦИКЛОВИТА® 1" and one dietary supplement bank "ЦИКЛОВИТА® 2" place in a pack.