Selmevit® Intensiv

Producer: JSC Pharmstandart Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A11AA04
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
1 таб.
Retinolum acetate (Vit. A)
1650 ME
α-tocopherol acetate (Vit. E)
7.5 mg
a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is addressed on a domain or path outside the boundaries set for its Starting Address. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">ascorbic acid (Vit. C)
35 mg
thiamin hydrochloride (Vit. B1)
581 mkg
Riboflavinum (Vit. B2)
1 mg
calcium pantothenate (Vit. B5)
2.5 mg
pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vit. B6)
2.5 mg
a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is addressed on a domain or path outside the boundaries set for its Starting Address. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">folic acid (Vit. Bc)
50 mkg
cyanocobalamine (Vit. B12)
3 mkg
niacinamide (Vit. PP)
4 mg
rutoside (Vit. P)
12.5 mg
thioctic (α-lipoic)))))))))) acid
1 mg
a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is addressed on a domain or path outside the boundaries set for its Starting Address. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">methionine
100 mg
calcium (in the form of dihydrate phosphate)
25 mg
magnesium (in the form of phosphate and the main carbonate)
40 mg
phosphorus (in the form of calcium and magnesium of phosphate)
30 mg
iron (in the form of iron (II) of sulfate of heptahydrate)
2.5 mg
copper (in the form of pentahydrate sulfate)
400 mkg
zinc (in the form of zinc (II) of sulfate of heptahydrate)
2 mg
manganese (in the form of manganese (II) of sulfate of pentahydrate)
1.25 mg
selenium (in the form of a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is addressed on a domain or path outside the boundaries set for its Starting Address. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">selenit sodium)
25 mkg
cobalt (in the form of cobalt (II) of sulfate of heptahydrate)
50 mkg
Excipients: potato starch, citric acid, povidone, calcium stearate, talc, sucrose, gelatin medical, wheat flour, hydroxycarbonate magnesium hydrate, methyl cellulose water-soluble, titanium dioxide, dye azoruby, wax.
Structure of a cover: hypro rod (hydroxypropyl cellulose), macrogoal (poly(ethylene oxide)), talc, titanium dioxide (E-171), povidone low-molecular (polyvinylpirrolidone low-molecular), dye sunset yellow (E-110).
Pharmacological properties:
The combined polyvitaminic drug with minerals. Selmevit® Intensiv contains a complex of vitamins of group B and a complex of antioxidants. Compatibility of components in 1 tablet is provided with the special production technology of medicine.
Action of Selmevit® Intensiv is caused by effects of the components which are its part:
and - Tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) - exerts positive impact on functions of gonads, nervous and muscular tissue. Has the expressed antioxidant activity, providing protection of cellular membranes and preventing development of complications of a diabetes mellitus.
Retinolum acetate (vitamin A) - plays an important role in oxidation-reduction processes. Promotes increase in protective forces of an organism, participates in formation of the rhodopsins necessary for normal twilight and color sight, improves process of epithelization of fabrics.
Thiamin the hydrochloride (B1 vitamin) - plays an important role in carbohydrate and energy balance. Participates in carrying out nervous impulse and a neuranagenesis. Acts as a neuroprotector at the diseases proceeding with damage of nervous cells (polyneuropathy of various etiology).
Riboflavinum (B2 vitamin) - the most important catalyst of processes of cellular respiration and visual perception, participates in all types of exchange; protects an eye retina from ultraviolet radiation.
Pyridoxine the hydrochloride (B6 vitamin) - takes part in protein metabolism and synthesis of neurotransmitters. Provides processes of braking in TsNS. It is necessary for normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. Has neuroprotective effect at a diabetes mellitus.
Cyanocobalamine (B12 vitamin) - participates in synthesis of nucleotides, is an important factor of normal growth, a hemopoiesis and development of epithelial cells. Exerts beneficial effect on processes in a nervous system.
Niacinamide (RR vitamin) - participates in processes of tissue respiration, fatty and carbohydrate metabolism, prevents development of a syndrome of chronic fatigue.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - regulates coagulability of blood, normalizes permeability of capillaries, has antiinflammatory and antiallergic effect. Strengthens reparative processes, increases resistance to infections. Calcium pantothenate - accelerates processes of regeneration of an epithelium and endothelium, improves power ensuring sokratitelny function of a myocardium, participates in transfer of nervous impulses.
Rutoside - participates in oxidation-reduction processes, has antioxidant properties, prevents oxidation and promotes deposition of ascorbic acid in fabrics, reduces permeability of vessels.
Folic acid - takes part in synthesis of amino acids, nucleotides, nucleic acids; it is necessary for a normal erythrogenesis, improves regeneration of the damaged fabrics.
Thioctic acid (lipoic acid) - participates in regulation of lipidic and carbohydrate exchanges, improves function of a liver. Strengthens interaction of insulin and receptors. Reduces peroxide oxidation of lipids in peripheral nerves.
Zinc - an immunostimulator, promotes digestion of vitamin A, regeneration and growth of hair, increases working capacity. It is necessary in the presence of a diabetes mellitus or risk of its development, being an insulin molecule component; has antioxidant effect, protects nervous cells and vessels of a microcirculator bed from damage.
Magnesium - plays an important role in regulation of neuromuscular activity, participates in power transformation of carbohydrates. Facilitates symptoms of nervous tension: concern and irritability. Prevents convulsive reduction of muscles, removes vasospasms, possesses vasodilating and spasmolytic action.
Selenium - in combination with vitamins A, E and C possesses antioxidant action and improves adaptation features of an organism in the conditions of influence of extreme factors.
Phosphorus - is necessary for cellular energy balance and functioning of muscular tissue (skeletal muscles and a cardiac muscle).
Drug provides the balanced intake of the components necessary for maintenance of optimum performance of an organism has neuroprotective effect thanks to combined effect of the vitamins and minerals which are its part. Therefore drug can be used in complex therapy of neurologic diseases and during remission as a part of a maintenance therapy at treatment of neyropatiya. The components which are a part of drug protect nervous cells from damages (at a syndrome of chronic fatigue, a condition of acute or chronic stress, polineyropatiya of various genesis).
Indications to use:
· prevention and completion of a vitamin deficiency, macro - and microelements;
· the recovery period after the postponed diseases;
· syndrome of chronic fatigue;
· as a part of a combination therapy of polineyropatiya of various genesis.
Route of administration and doses:
To adults and children 12 years inside, on 1 tablet a day after food are more senior. Duration of course use up to 3 months. Repeated courses according to the recommendation of the doctor are possible.
Features of use:
Not to exceed the recommended dosage.
Coloring of urine in rich yellow color is possible that is caused by availability of Riboflavinum as a part of drug and does not constitute danger.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions to drug components are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
The concomitant use with other polyvitaminic complexes containing vitamins A and E, group B vitamins is not recommended.
The increased individual sensitivity to drug components. Pregnancy, the lactation period, children's age up to 12 years.
At use of drug in the recommended doses probability of overdose low.
Treatment: absorbent carbon inside, gastric lavage, symptomatic treatment.
Storage conditions:
At a temperature not above 25 °C.
To store in the place, unavailable to children.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablets, film coated.
On 30 or 60 tablets in banks polymeric for vitamins and medicines, made of polyethylene of low pressure or of polypropylene.
Each can is placed in a pack from a cardboard together with the instruction on a medical use.