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Chronic stress


One of the main scourges of 21 centuries is the chronic stress, and according to 25% of people of working-age earn this trouble directly in the place of work. Among psychologists the similar phenomenon is called "a burning out syndrome", and in the people speak – "burned down at work".

The chronic stress has custom to develop gradually, to be forced months or even years. Getting a new job, the person usually is engaged in it with pleasure, makes every effort and achieves noticeable results. However over time the routine absorbs feeling of freshness, duties begin to weigh, and forces come to an end.

Symptoms of the Chronic stress:

  1. You are not abandoned by fatigue, both mental, and physical. Even short-term issue does not help.
  2. There is an isolation. You do not derive pleasure from communication with employees and clients. The discontent develops into steady unwillingness, and a circle of people whom you do not wish to see, more and more expands.
  3. You constantly feel discontent with, doubt, are not sure of yourself. You are pursued by a hopelessness.

The chronic stress is terrible the fact that its manifestations are noted at all levels: physical, moral, behavioural.

Let know about themselves problems with health. Constant physical fatigue, head and other pains, intestinal frustration, sleeplessness. Problems with skin become aggravated, eels appear. Interest in sex is lost. Sometimes there is a thirst for alcohol, psychotropic substances.

As for feelings, emergence of the constant boredom which from time to time is broken through by causeless irritation is noted here. You feel devastated and impotent, apathy, alarm, bitterness rolls. You are dissatisfied with work and the role in a workplace.

The behavior also changes. It is heavy to you to concentrate, disturbances of memory, a problem with sense of humour, rage in relation to colleagues and the management are noted. There is desire to run away from reality, to hide from real problems.

Symptoms of a chronic stress are – alarm and concern, irritability, constant feeling of fatigue, the disturbances affecting the autonomic nervous system.

Displays of a chronic stress:

- excessively sensitive relation to stressful situations, otherwise, even an insignificant shock can bring the person out of equilibrium state, cause aggression and panic;

- "dewey-eyed";

- vulnerability and sensitivity;

- the increased concern level;

- psychological jamming in the injuring and offending situation;

- inability to concentrate attention, bad memory and cogitative activity;

- hypersensitivity to bright light or too loud sound;

- disturbances of quality of a dream. The person having neurosises often long cannot fall asleep. If it is possible to fall asleep, then the dream does not bring rest as is superficial and uneasy;

- disorders of the autonomic nervous system are shown in strong perspiration, the speeded-up heart beat, differences of arterial pressure and frustration from digestive tract;

- in some cases against the background of a chronic stress there are sexual frustration.

Reasons of the Chronic stress:

- to one of the reasons of a chronic stress serves long emotional, mental and exercise stresses. At the same time, as a rule, the person does not manage to relax, distract from pressing problems. In this respect work and the family relations, the relations with friends and uncertainty in itself can be the cause of a chronic stress. Often a little from the listed factors act in a combination;

- in some cases the impossibility to finish the begun business, to find a way out of a difficult situation can serve as the reason of nervous breakdown;

- quite often the same factors act as the reason of development of a chronic stress, as provoke a depression;

- workaholism and inability to distract are also the reasons of nervous disturbances;

- many people in character cannot transfer even incontinuous and moderate loadings both physical, and psychological that also leads to development of a stress of chronic character;

- except psychological and emotional states such pathologies as, for example, flu exert impact on development of this sort of nervous breakdowns.

Treatment of the Chronic stress:

Efficiency of overcoming a stress in many respects depends on psychological readiness to resist to it and on ability to manage the emotions in difficult situations.

Knowledge of features of own mentality is of great importance for management of stresses at the personal level. It is known that depending on personal features, reaction of each person to a stress is very specific. In this regard allocate six types of persons which differently react to a stress: ambitious type. People with the strong need for achievement of success treat this type. They are vigorous, mobile, aggressive and oriented to business.

Overloads, big intensity of activity and the interpersonal relations, insufficient understanding themselves are the reasons of a stress for them.

The main symptoms of a stress are sleeplessness, the increased blood pressure, heart troubles, excessive smoking; the quiet type is the carefree and quiet people oriented to the past, pensive and inactive. They differ in low tendency to stresses. People or requirements of professional activity which break measured a current of their life can become the reason of a stress; conscientious type. Carry people to this type petty, inquisitive, pedantic, dogmatic, stable, conservative and obligatory. They trust the authority and submit to traditions. For them people who overset their plans and stereotypes of behavior are the reasons of a stress. They have average degree of tendency to stresses, but are very sensitive to changes of their usual life activity; the type which does not uphold is people who cannot stand for themselves and assert the rights. They please others avoid the interpersonal conflicts, are afraid of the problem relations with each other. The internal tension arising because of the interpersonal relations is the frequent reason of stresses; Cheerful type. The people belonging to this type, strong, vigorous, Cheerful, impulsive, relaxed. For them frequent change of interests is characteristic.

Routine work and excessive internal tension is the reasons of a stress; the alarming type differs in high tendency to a stress. People of this type show concern about possible failures, have a low self-assessment. Responsible work and sharp changes in life are the reasons of a stress for them.

According to psychologists, overcoming crisis situations perhaps on condition of respect for the principles on the basis of which it is possible to create system of strategy of recovery mental balances. Treat such principles:

principle of satisfaction;

principle of reality;

principle of value;

principle of creativity.

The principle of satisfaction provides implementation of psychological protection on the basis of identification of the maximum degree of emotional wellbeing, possible in the conditions of an adverse situation. The mechanism of implementation of this high degree of welfare consists in cognitive and emotional infantilism of the person.

The principle of reality aims at sober approach to the world in which the movement to any purpose is considered not as rectilinear process of rise on all new and new steps, and assumes long, including bypass ways and indirect means. The psychological mechanism of implementation of the principle of reality consists in the basic in ability to patience.

The principle of value indicates the need constructions of systems of various vital alternatives on one valuable the basis therefore each of alternatives within this system of values receives the assessment. This priority list of estimates also serves as the instrument of rationalization of that situation which needs to be overcome.

The principle of creativity defines considerably self-improvement of the person, active and conscious creation by the person of itself, and not only in ideal sense, but also in the practical embodiment in real crisis situations.

Classes in elaboration of various strategy of the solution of vital tasks increase psychological stability of the person in the conditions demanding tension of spiritual powers. The major role is played at the same time not by(with) knowledge, but flexibility which allows to change timely and by that to normalize behavior.

Modern life of any person it is connected with big the overloads resulting from formation in the country of the new social and labor relations in the conditions of formation of market system of managing and adaptation of workers to it. The way of opposition to these is known for an overload - it is preventive preparation for new conditions and the new mode of activity. For this purpose it is necessary to know technology of preparation both specific methods and methods of protection of the person against overloads, from critical situations.

And very productive is interesting for the first time approach is presented in science, proves interrelation between a blood group of the person and his resistance to stress and specific ways of protection against stresogenny influences.

People of the I blood group are steady to stresogenny influence thanks to nadaktivny to immune system in the conditions of intensive exercise stresses.

People with the II blood group are steady to the stressors operating in the arranged structures of life support and if prefer vegetarian food. The best way of protection against stressors for representatives of this blood group will be self-complacency.

Representatives of the III blood group to the most nature are protected from stresogenny influences better than representatives of all other blood groups. They have a powerful immune system. And most efficiently oppositions to stresses they have a transition to creative activity. Release from the serious condition connected with stresogenny influence happens quickly enough and rather reliably. This way that will be more successful, than it is more representatives of the III blood group to combine intellectual activity with physical.

Stresses for representatives of the IV blood group sometimes happen destructive. And a way of removal of tension - "intellectual, followed physical vivacity". This way that is more productive, than more at the representative of the IV blood group are opportunities to enter intensive communication with relatives (and not only) people in the course of which they realize successfully dominant feature of the type - ability to adapt to any of a human environment.

In groups of people of each blood group the most efficient way of resistance to stress is development (perhaps and strong-willed) such features of these groups which are the most developed in their representatives, the most desired and the most productive. Equilibrations of an organism and mentality of a stresovanoa of the person occurs both due to desirable activity, and due to obtaining good results.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Chronic stress:

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