Курантил® 25/N25/N75

Producer: Berlin-Chemie AG/Menarini Group (Berlin-Hemi AG/Menarini Group) Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: B01AC07
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
ÈÒÓá¡Ô¿½® 25
Contains in one dragee:
Active ingredient: Dipiridamolum - 25 mg.
Excipients: starch corn, lactoses monohydrate, gelatin, magnesium stearate, talc.
Cover: sucrose, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, talc, macrogoal 6000, syrup glucosic, titanium dioxide, поливидон K25, wax Brazilian wax palm, dye quinolinic yellow (Е 104).
Курантил® N25/N75
Contains in one tablet:
Active ingredient: Dipiridamolum – 25/75 mg.
Excipients: lactoses monohydrate, starch corn, gelatin, sodium carboxymethylstarch (type A), silicon dioxide colloid, magnesium stearate, gipromelloz, talc, titanium dioxide (Е 171), macrogoal 6000, quinolinic yellow (Е 104), simetikona emulsion.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Курантил® 25/N25/N75
Exerts the braking impact on aggregation of thrombocytes, improves microcirculation, possesses soft vasodilating action.
Курантил® 25/N25
As derivative a pyrimidine, Curantyl is the inductor of interferon and has the modulating effect on functional activity of system of interferon, the alpha (α) and scale (γ) leukocytes of in vitro blood raises reduced products of interferon. Increases nonspecific antiviral resistance to viral infections.
Курантил® N75
Dipiridamolum expands arterioles in system of a coronary blood-groove, at increase in a dose also in other sites of the blood circulatory system. However unlike organic nitrates and antagonists of calcium expansion of larger coronary vessels does not happen. Vasodilating action of Dipiridamolum is caused by two various mechanisms of inhibition.
Suppression of capture of adenosine. In vivo adenosine is found in the concentration making about 0,15-0,20 µmol. Such level is supported thanks to a dynamic equilibrium between emission and the return capture. Dipiridamolum slows down capture of adenosine endothelium cells, erythrocytes and thrombocytes. After introduction of Dipiridamolum increase in concentration in blood of adenosine and strengthening of the vazodilatation caused by adenosine is found. In higher doses there is a braking of the aggregation of thrombocytes caused by adenosine, and tendency to a thrombogenesis decreases.
Phosphodiesterase oppression. Disintegration of cyclic adenosinemonophosphate (tsAMF) and cyclic guanozinmonofosfat (tsGMF). the thrombocytes suppressing aggregation, occurs in thrombocytes under the influence of the corresponding phosphodiesterases. In high concentration Dipiridamolum oppresses both phosphodiesterases. in therapeutic concentration in blood only tsGMF-phosphodiesterase. As a result of stimulation of the corresponding cyclases the power of synthesis of tsAMF increases.
Pharmacokinetics. Курантил® 25/N25
After oral administration Dipiridamolum is quickly soaked up from digestive tract; time of achievement of the maximum concentration (Cmax) in plasma - 1 h. Dipiridamolum almost completely contacts proteins of plasma. Accumulation of Dipiridamolum happens in heart and in erythrocytes. Dipiridamolum is metabolized in a liver by linkng with glucuronic acid. The elimination half-life makes 20-30 min. It is removed with bile in the form of a monoglucuronide.
Курантил® N75
After single peroral introduction of Dipiridamolum in a dose of 150 mg its maximum concentration (Cmax) in plasma averages 2,66 mkg/l. Exerts impact of a condition on process of absorption, available in a digestive tract. Dipiridamolum almost completely contacts proteins of plasma. Dipiridamolum is metabolized in a liver by linkng with glucuronic acid. It is removed with bile in the form of a monoglucuronide.
Indications to use:
Курантил® 25/N25/N75
• Treatment and prevention of disturbances of cerebral circulation on ischemic type.
• Distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy.
• Prevention of arterial and venous thromboses, and also treatment of their complications.
• Prevention of a thromboembolism after operation of prosthetics of valves of heart.
• Prevention of placental insufficiency at the complicated pregnancy.
• As a part of complex therapy at any disturbances of microcirculation.
Курантил® 25/N25
• As the inductor of interferon and an immunomodulator for prevention and treatment of flu, a SARS.
Курантил® N75
• Primary and secondary prevention of the coronary heart disease (CHD), especially at intolerance of acetylsalicylic acid.
Route of administration and doses:
Курантил® 25/N25
If the doctor it is not appointed differently, the following modes of dosing are recommended:
For reduction of aggregation of thrombocytes it is recommended to use Kurantil® 25/N25 in a dose of 75 - 225 mg/days in stages. In hard cases the dose can be increased to 600 mg/days.
For prevention of flu and other SARS, especially in the period of epidemics to accept according to the following scheme: on 50 mg in days of 1 times in 7 days within 4-5 weeks. For prevention of a recurrence, at the patients who often have respiratory viral infections, Kurantil® 25/N25 is recommended to be accepted according to the scheme: 100 mg a day (2 times on 50 mg at an interval of the 2nd hour) once a week within 8-10 weeks.
Курантил® 25/N25 it is recommended to accept on an empty stomach, without breaking and without getting to the core, washing down with a small amount of liquid.
Курантил® N25 is suitable for carrying out a long course of treatment.
Курантил® N75
The dose of drug is selected depending on disease severity and reaction of the patient to treatment.
Administration of drug of Kurantil® of N75 on 1 tablet 3 times a day is recommended to patients with an ischemic heart disease. If necessary the daily dose can be increased under control of the doctor.
For prevention and treatment of disturbances of cerebral circulation, and also for the prevention of thromboses administration of drug of Kurantil® of N75 on 1 tablet of 3-6 times a day is recommended. The maximum daily dose makes 450 mg of Dipiridamolum (6 tablets).
Pill should be taken on an empty stomach, without breaking and without getting to the core, washing down with a small amount of liquid.
Duration of a course of treatment is defined by the doctor.
Side effects:
Курантил® N25/N75
At use of drug in therapeutic doses side effects are usually not expressed and have passing character.
From cardiovascular system: heartbeat, tachycardia (especially at the persons accepting other vazodilatator), bradycardia, "inflows" of blood to the person, a syndrome of coronary burglarizing (when using drug in a dose more than 225 mg/days), a lowering of arterial pressure (ABP).
From the alimentary system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pains in epigastric area. Usually these side effects disappear at more prolonged use of drug.
From blood and system of a hemostasis: thrombocytopenia, change of functional properties of thrombocytes, bleedings. Seldom or never – the raised bleeding in time or after surgical intervention.
Others: weakness, dizziness, feeling of a congestion of an ear, noise in the head, a headache, a dermahemia of the person, arthritis, a mialgiya, rhinitis, allergic reactions (as rash or urticaria).
ÈÒÓá¡Ô¿½® 25
When using therapeutic doses side effects are usually not expressed and have passing character.
Developing of vomiting, diarrhea, epigastric pains, and also such symptoms as weakness, dizziness, nausea, headache, arthritis, mialgiya, rhinitis is possible. Usually these side effects disappear at more prolonged use of the drug Курантил® 25.
As a result of potential vasodilating action Курантил® 25 in high doses can cause arterial hypotension, a feeling of "inflows" and tachycardia, especially at the persons accepting other vazodilatator, a syndrome of coronary burglarizing (at doses more than 225 mg a day).
Reactions of hypersensitivity as rash or urticaria are possible. The raised bleeding in time or after surgical intervention was seldom or never observed.
Interaction with other medicines:
Курантил® 25/N25/N75
Ksantinovy derivatives (coffee, tea) can weaken vasodilating action of Dipiridamolum.
Use of Dipiridamolum along with anticoagulants (heparin, trombolitik) or acetylsalicylic acid increases risk of development of hemorrhagic complications that it is necessary to consider when sharing.
Dipiridamolum can strengthen effect of hypotensive drugs.
Dipiridamolum can weaken anticholinergic properties of inhibitors of cholinesterase.
ÈÒÓá¡Ô¿½® 25
Anti-aggregate action at reception of antibiotics of cephalosporins amplifies (цефамандол, цефоперазон, цефотетан).
Antacids reduce the maximum concentration because of decrease in absorption.
Курантил® 25/N25/N75
• Acute myocardial infarction.
• Unstable stenocardia.
• The widespread stenosing atherosclerosis of coronary arteries.
• Subaortal stenosis.
• Dekompensirovanny heart failure.
• Arterial hypotension, collapse.
• Heavy arterial hypertension.
• Heavy disturbances of a cordial rhythm.
• Chronic renal failure.
• Liver failure.
• Hemorrhagic diathesis.
• Diseases with tendency to bleedings (a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum, etc.).
• Hypersensitivity to drug components.
Курантил® N25/N75
• Chronic obstructive diseases of lungs.
With care
Due to the lack of sufficient experience of use of drug for children children are not recommended to appoint aged up to 12 years.
Use at pregnancy and a lactation
Use of drug at a lactation is possible only if the expected advantage of treatment exceeds possible risk.
Symptoms: decrease in the ABP, stenocardia, tachycardia, feeling of "inflows", weakness and dizziness.
Treatment: vomiting call, gastric lavage, purpose of absorbent carbon. Dilatiruyushchy effect of drug can be stopped slow (50-100 mg/min.) intravenous administration of Aminophyllinum. In case of preservation of symptoms of stenocardia - purpose of nitroglycerine is sublingual.
Storage conditions:
List B.
At a temperature not above 25 °C in the place protected from light.
To store medicine in the place, unavailable to children!
Period of validity of Курантил® 25 - 5 years, Kurantil® of N25/N75 – 3 years.
Not to apply after the expiry date specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
ÈÒÓá¡Ô¿½® 25
On 100 dragees in a bottle from transparent glass with a polyethylene stopper. One bottle in a cardboard pack together with the application instruction.
Курантил® N25
Tablets, coated, 25 mg. On 120 tablets in bottles of colourless glass. On 1 bottle together with the application instruction in a cardboard pack.
Курантил® N75
Tablets, coated, 75 mg. On 20 tablets in blister strip packagings (blisters) [an aluminum white opaque PVC film / foil]. On 2 blisters together with the application instruction in a cardboard pack.