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Arthritis is an  inflammation one (monoarthritis) or several (an oligoarthritis or polyarthritis) joints which brings into morbidities, to hypostasis, a hyperemia of integuments and dysfunction of joints. The so-called symptom of "developing" of joints which consists in reduction of morbidity after an exercise stress is characteristic. Existence of this symptom indicates the inflammatory nature of a disease.
Spread of arthritis reaches catastrophic figures. Statistically, about 500 000 000 people have this disease in this or that form. Incidence of arthritis does not depend on a floor or age.
At long existence of process arthritis limits normal fzichesky activity of the person.

Поражение различных суставов при артрите

Damage of various joints at arthritis

Arthritis reasons:

The reasons of arthritis are numerous, and only their complex combination to provocative factors  leads to development of a disease.
Carry to provocative factors:
• A joint injury in the past
• Frequent small injuries of joints of professional character (at players in baseball, ballerinas, workers, builders etc.)
Arthritis is not an independent nosological form. As leads about 200 various reasons to development of arthritis, at statement of a dianoz it is necessary to specify a form, for example, "pseudorheumatism", "infectious arthritis", "psoriasis arthritis", etc. Arthritis can have a set of the reasons, among them - infections, sensitivity to a certain food, various injuries, heredity.
There are about 100 types of arthritis. The most widespread of them include:
A pseudorheumatism - (at adults)
• Young rheumatic arthritis - (at children)
• Arthritis at a system lupus erythematosus
• Gouty arthritis
Psoriasis arthritis
• Arthritis at a scleroderma
• Arthritis at Bekhterev's disease
Reactive arthritis
• Arthritis at Steel's disease
• Viral arthritis
• Gonorrheal arthritis
• Arthritis at other bacterial infections
• Tubercular arthritis
• Arthritis at fungal infections (for example, a zymonematosis)

Arthritis symptoms:

The symptom complex including a joint pain, puffiness, a hyperemia (reddening) of skin over them, feeling of constraint, especially in the mornings after awakening, reduction of morbidity after exercise stresses is characteristic of arthritis. Integuments over struck sites have big temperature, in difference from surrounding fabrics. The injured joint loses mobility. The general body temperature can not increase, however at development of acute infectious arthritis fever with a fever is observed.

Характерные изменения при артроскопии коленного сустава

Characteristic changes at an arthroscopy of a knee joint

Локализация болевого синдрома при артрите

Localization of a pain syndrome at arthritis

Treatment of Arthritis:

Medical tactics at arthritis shall consider an etiological factor. For patients it is important to observe the correct diet which has to be fractional, include products from whole cereals, fish, vegetables and fruit, and also sources of natural antioxidants.
In house conditions use cold and hot compresses, applications with paraffin and beeswax. Physiotherapeutic treatment is shown at attenuation of acute inflammatory reaction and includes appointment electro-and a fonoforeza, amplipulsetherapy, UF-radiation. During the same period the sanatrono-resort therapy using a balneoterapiya, mud cures, various bathtubs is shown (first of all turpentine).
Treatment of arthritis provides purpose of physiotherapy, drug and operational treatment. Causal treatment is possible only at the few forms of arthritis – infectious, allergic, gouty.
For protection of joints carrying special tires and bandages throughout the day is shown.
At a pain syndrome accept non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as an ibuprofen, indometacin. However drugs of the choice are TsOG-2 inhibitors (revmoksika, meloksika). For reduction of inflammatory reaction glucocorticosteroids in a peroral or injection form, including in the form of intra joint injections are shown. To recovery of the moistening function enter into a synovial cavity гиалурат. Administration of synthetic synovial fluid is possible. Use of immunodepressants (cyclophosphamide, an imuran) is justified at the heavy course of arthritis and proved not only stopping of a pain syndrome, and and preservation of function of a joint.
Operational treatment consists in carrying out various operations directed to reduction of morbidity of a joint and improvement of its functions. According to indications, excision of the damaged synovial fabric, on site which regenerates new is carried out. In hard cases the doctor can offer full replacement of joints – plastic or steel prosthetics of joints which is carried out on femoral, knee, humeral, elbow and some other joints.

Операция на суставе: удаление поврежденной синовиальной оболочки

Joint operation: removal of the damaged synovial membrane

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Arthritis:

  • Препарат Ибупрофен.


    Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs. Derivatives of propionic acid.

    JSC Borisovsky Plant of Medical Supplies Republic of Belarus


  • Препарат Бетаспан.


    Glucocorticosteroids for system use.

    JSC Pharmak Ukraine

  • Препарат Спирт камфорный.

    Alcohol camphoric

    Means that are applied locally at joint pains and muscular pains.

    "Vishpha" Ukraine


  • Препарат Линкомицин.


    Antimicrobic means for system use.

    HFZ CJSC NPTs Borshchagovsky Ukraina


  • Препарат Живокоста (окопника) мазь.

    Zhivokosta (comfrey) ointment

    Drugs for topical administration at joint and muscular pain.

    "Vishpha" Ukraine

  • Препарат Хондрекс®.


    The means influencing a musculoskeletal system.

    CJSC Verteks Russia



    The means influencing the alimentary system and metabolic processes.

    CIAO Biofarm Ukraine


  • Препарат Ципрофлоксацин.


    Antibacterial drugs – derivatives of a hinolon

    LLC Pharmlend Republic of Belarus


  • Препарат Ибупрофен-Хемофарм.


    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NPVS).

    Hemofarm, A.D. (A.D. Hemofarm) Serbia

  • Препарат Дексаметазон.


    Glucocorticoids for system use.

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus


  • Препарат Олфен-100 ректокапс.

    Olfen-100 ректокапс

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NPVP).

    LLC Mepha, Switzerland

  • Препарат Димексид.


    Drugs for external use at a pain syndrome.

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Гидрокортизон.


    Glucocorticosteroid for topical administration.

    Gedeon Richter (Gideon Richter) Hungary

  • Препарат Диклопентил.


    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Derivatives of acetic acid. Diclofenac in a combination with other drugs.

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Метипред.



    CJSC Pharmfirma Soteks Russia


  • Препарат Остенил® Плюс.

    Остенил® Plus

    The means applied at muscular and joint pain.

    TRB Chemedica AG Germany-Switzerland

  • Препарат Преднизолон-Дарница, табл. по 0.005 г №40.

    Prednizolon-Darnitsa, the tab. on 0.005 g No.

    Drugs of hormones for system use.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine

  • Препарат Остенил®.


    The means applied at muscular and joint pain.

    TRB Chemedica AG Germany-Switzerland

  • Препарат Амизон.


    Antiviral means for system use.

    JSC Pharmak Ukraine


  • Препарат Кофальгин .


    The means operating on a nervous system.

    HFZ CJSC NPTs Borshchagovsky Ukraina

  • Сайт детского здоровья