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Chronic arthritis


Chronic disease of joints of inflammatory character which can be both independent nosological unit, and manifestation of a basic disease.

Symptoms of Chronic arthritis:

At subacute and especially chronic inflammation a hypertrophy ворсин a synovial membrane, proliferation of a layer of superficial synovial cells, lymphoid and plazmotsitarny infiltration of fabric are observed. Later fibrosis of a synovial membrane develops. The long inflammation of a joint usually is followed by development of granulyatsionny fabric at the edges of the cartilage covering joint surfaces, its gradual napolzaniye on a cartilage (pannus), destruction of a cartilage and the subject bone.

There are osteoarticular erosion. Gradually granulyatsionny fabric is replaced fibrous which, in turn, is exposed to ossification. Thus, false or bone ankyloses of joints form. Distribution of inflammatory process on the joint capsule, bags, sheaves, sinews of the muscles which are attached around a joint can lead to deformation of a joint, incomplete dislocations, contractures.

Reasons of Chronic arthritis:

Various infections, allergy, injuries, and also overcooling and excessive exercise stress can be the cause of chronic arthritis. Inflammatory process begins in an internal cover of a joint which still call synovial. In a cavity of a joint the inflammatory exudate – exudate accumulates. Then process extends to other components of a joint – a cartilage and bone structures, the capsule, and also sinews, sheaves etc.

Treatment of Chronic arthritis:

Causal treatment is possible only at the few forms of arthritis — infectious, allergic, gouty. At the arthritises having a subacute or chronic current, big distribution was gained by various antiinflammatory drugs, both nonsteroid, and steroid (corticosteroid). Drugs of the last group use preferential for local (intra joint) therapy.
At remission the physiotherapeutic procedures (erythema doses of Uv-radiation, an electrophoresis of analgetics, amplipulsetherapy фонофорез a hydrocortisone) promoting reduction of pains and residual inflammatory reactions, preventing development of fibrosis and dysfunction of joints are shown.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Chronic arthritis:

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