Остенил® Plus

Producer: TRB Chemedica AG Germany-Switzerland
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. An implant viscoelastic sterile for intra joint injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 20 mg of sodium of hyalrunate in 1 ml of isotonic solution (рН 7,3).
Excipients: chloride sodium, hydrosodium phosphate, dihydrosodium phosphate, Mannitolum, water for an injection.
Остенил® Plus – original drug on the basis of hyaluronic acid for one-injection therapy of an osteoarthrosis.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The synovial fluid which is hyaluronic acid, viscoelastic thanks to presence, contains in all synovial joints. Thanks to the lubricant and udaropogloshchayushchy properties, synovial fluid provides the normal painless movement that is especially important in the basic joints maintaining big loading. Besides, she is responsible for cartilage food.
At degenerative processes in joints, such as an osteoarthrosis, viscoelasticity of synovial fluid considerably decreases that has an adverse effect on its greasing and udaropogloshchayushchy functions. As a result mechanical load of joint cartilages increases that leads to their destruction and, therefore, to developing of pain and restriction of mobility in a joint.
Intra joint administration of high cleaning hyaluronic acid promotes improvement of viscoelastic properties of synovial fluid. It improves its greasing and udaropogloshchayushchy functions and reduces a mechanical overload of the affected joint. As a rule, it involves reduction of pain and improvement of mobility which can remain within several months after the end of treatment.
Остенил® Plus — transparent solution of native high cleaning hyalrunate of the sodium received by fermentation and not containing animal protein. Plus is a part of Ostenil® also Mannitolum which minimizes activity of free radicals, thereby providing stability of molecular structure of hyalrunate of sodium. The high profile of safety Ostenil® Plus is confirmed with tests for biocompatibility.
Indications to use:
Pain and limited mobility at degenerately — dystrophic and traumatic changes in knee and other synovial joints.
Route of administration and doses:
Остенил® Plus is entered into a cavity of the affected joint once. According to indications, treatment can be added with one-two injections with an interval of 14 days. It is at the same time possible to carry out injections and in other joints. In the presence in a joint of an exudate it is necessary to make at first its evacuation, to provide to a joint rest and to use cold therapy or intra joint administration of corticosteroid drug. It is possible to enter ОСТЕНИЛ®плюс in two-three days after these procedures.
Contents and the external surface of the filled syringe with Ostenil® Plus are sterile, integrity of packaging and corking system of the syringe is not broken yet. The corking system consists of a protective cap, a lyuerovsky tip and a cover for protection against unauthorized opening.
Take out the filled syringe with Ostenil® Plus from sterile packaging. Bend a cover for protection against unauthorized opening of the syringe in one and other parties so that the crossing points fixing it broke (see the drawing). Accurately up uncover together with a protective cap. Attach a sterile needle, necessary by the size (18 — 25G), and fix it, having slightly turned. Before an injection release from the syringe vials of air in case of their existence.
Features of use:
It is necessary to observe general measures of precaution for intra joint injections, and also measures for prevention of infection of a joint. Остенил® Plus should be entered only into a joint cavity, applying in need of means of direct vision.
To avoid hit of drug in surrounding fabrics or blood vessels! At the inflammatory phenomena in a joint to show the increased care. It is not recommended to apply at pseudorheumatisms in an active stage and Bekhterev's disease.
Остенил® Plus is not recommended to be used at children, pregnant women and the feeding women.
Intra joint administration of drug is carried out only by the specialist doctor!
Side effects:
After intra joint introduction of Ostenil® Plus the local secondary phenomena, such as pains, a caumesthesia, reddening and swelling can be observed. Imposing of ice on a punktirovanny joint within 5-10 minutes allows to stop the similar phenomena.
Interaction with other medicines:
Information on incompatibility of Ostenil® Plus with other solutions for intra joint use for this time is absent. During the first days after an injection it is possible to recommend reception of oral anesthetics or antiinflammatory drugs.
Остенил® Plus should not be applied at patients with the expressed sensitivity to one of its ingredients.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature of 2 °C - 25 °C in the place unavailable to children. Not to freeze. Drug with signs of damage of sterile packaging or the syringe, and also expired (it is specified on a box) is not subject to use.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
The sterile filled syringe containing 40 mg / 2 ml of Ostenil® Plus in sterile packaging.